Tuesday, April 20, 2021



We are discussing the subject of why people do not come to Christ.

Reason #1 - they are unable to come to Christ on their own. 

Please take a minute and read John 6:44 and 65 where Jesus says that “no man can come to Him unless the Father who sent Him, draws him.” Now, please read, John 16:15 where Jesus says clearly that “you did not choose me but I chose you…”

In John 3:3 Jesus said that you cannot even see the kingdom of God unless you are born again.

Unsaved man is corrupt and depraved and wicked. He does not possess the resources of his own to come to Christ. He has no desire and no strength to come. An unbeliever has eyes, hands, ears and feet like that of a saved man but he uses them in different ways.

He has no love for Christ.

He possesses no will to attend church.

Has utterly no desire to know and obey truth.

Why? Because of what sin has done. 

Sin renders you incapable of coming to Christ on your own.

What would you bring that would be acceptable to Christ?

What could you bring that was acceptable?

We have nothing to bring but our sins.

Praise His name --- that is all He wants us to bring.

“Not What My Hands Have Done”


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