Saturday, May 16, 2020


For Bible believing Christians there is no such thing as luck or fate or chance! Nothing happens to you willy-nilly or for no reason at all. Most Christians embrace the teaching of Romans 8:28 which states that "we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and who are the called according to his purpose." That verse means that everything and I mean everything that comes into your life ... must first pass through the sovereign and permissive hands of God. That is a hard and mysterious truth to fathom, understand and accept. And yet --- it is a Biblical doctrine.

"all things" > check out John 1:3, I Corinthians 3:21-22; I Corinthians 15:27; Ephesians 1:11 and Colossians 1:16-17. I challenge you. Read them and note the reference to "all things."

This coming Lord's Day and for several weeks thereafter I am going to talk about this subject > "THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD" beginning with  Luke 12:22-31. If you have ever asked "why did this happen to me?" Or "why did this happen to me now?" Maybe things have happened in your life that you simply do not understand at the present time. Understanding the providence of God is practical, comforting, life changing and eternity preparing!

Simply stated, the providence of God means that the Lord designed and created the world and that He controls all that He created.  If He is not in control then who or what is? Creation and providence are twin brothers. I know what you are thinking - "but what about my free will and human responsibility?" The Bible addresses that issue and much more. Join us for worship Sunday in person or you can watch livestream at 10:20 a.m. on YouTube. You may be surprised!

1 comment:

  1. These truths changed my life- the way I worship, the way I pray, the way I handle suffering or disappointment. These truths from the Word bring peace and hope to my heart.
