Sunday, May 24, 2020


One of the side benefits of the COVID 19 pandemic is that it has been a true revealer of our personal priorities. As we have been stripped of the comforts, freedoms, and entertainments --- we have been able to truly see what our real priorities are. Is it work? Money? Freedoms? Pleasure? Family? Sports? Church?

For Christians, not being allowed to attend church with other believers has been truly discouraging but it has forced us to think a little bit out of the box and be more creative. Social media worship has exponentially  increased and that is good and certainly better than no worship at all but it is un-natural for a believer not to go to church! The very word “church” means an "assembly of the called-out ones, a gathering, a community of like-minded people whose hope, faith and trust is in the Lord Himself." Social media worship should and must never become a substitute for being present in person, if physically able. There are those who are not able for providential reasons and that is understandable.

Hebrews 10:25 says simply:

 “do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more, as you see the Day approaching.” In other words, DON’T FORSAKE IT!

Worship should be a priority for every Christian. John MacArthur, prolific author and noted Pastor of Grace Community Church in California said recently:

“We should long to worship God in spirit and in truth. Worship should be a persistent inclination of your heart and mind toward the majesty and glory of God. It is not a momentary event but a full-time activity born out of love for the truth of God’s Word.” Is that a picture of your worship life?

And all of God’s people said … “AMEN!” See you in church Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I truly missed worship in my church with my church family.
    I'm thankful we have started worship again in our church home at Southport. Our ladies Sunday School have been meeting on Zoom but it for sure is not the same as being face to face.So I encourage all who are able to be in your church whenever possible.
