Monday, August 31, 2020






MEMORY VERSE: “These things I write to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. “  I John 5:13


We have been considering our assurance of salvation. How can we know, for certain, that we are saved? We have previously discussed two important truths. We can know we are saved because of:


1.    The infallibility of the Word of God

2.    The incomparable Work of Jesus Christ


Today we look briefly at another helper > the Holy Spirit Himself. At conversion the Holy Spirit takes up residence in you. He teaches and comforts and guides into all truth. Ephesians 1:13 speaks of being “sealed” by the Spirit. He makes us to know that we are His and that we belong to Him. Romans 8:16 states that “the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD.”


The person of the Holy Spirit gives us assurance that we belong to Jesus forever.

He convicts us of sin when we sin.

He assures us of the efficacy of the blood.

He teaches us the truths of the Word of God.

He comforts us in times of need.


God has given us His Word, His Son and His Spirit!

What else do you need?

Direct all questions and comments to:


Sunday, August 30, 2020






MEMORY VERSE: “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know you have eternal life.” I John 5:13


What everyone believes about salvation can be boiled down to one simple question: is your salvation based upon your works or the grace of God? Upon what you do or upon what God has done in Christ? Usually, your answer will determine if you believe that you can lose your salvation. Most people believe that you can make it to heaven by merely “doing the best you can…trying harder…and being a good person.” And if you stop being a “good person” you will end up in Hell ultimately.


The testimony of the Bible is that your salvation was the work of a merciful Savior. It is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that we are saved! It was His death upon a cross that secured my salvation. He paid my sin debt. He endured my condemnation and guilt. He experienced the wrath of God upon sin in my behalf. He reconciled me to God. He paid the price for my redemption. Jesus did it all!


Look at Ephesians 2:8-9

Read Titus 3:5

Observe, please Hebrews 10:14


Is your assurance of heaven based upon what you do or upon what Jesus Christ has done for you?


Thank God today for the blessed assurance that comes from knowing what Christ accomplished when he died on the cross!

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Saturday, August 29, 2020






MEMORY VERSE: “These things I write to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.”  I John 5:13


We believe in the eternal security of every true believer because why? Three tremendous and related truths help provide us with absolute assurance. The first truth is this. Because of the witness and testimony of the Word of God!! God has spoken and revealed truth. He has revealed the way of salvation and I believe what the Bible says about it.


Read II Timothy 3:16-17 and you will find there that it talks about the inspiration of Scripture and that it is profitable for every Christian in matters related to:


1.    Doctrine

2.    Reproof

3.    Correction

4.    Instruction in righteousness


God has given us the plan of salvation.

God has told us of the way of salvation.

God has provided for us the means of salvation.


And it is all found in Holy Scripture! And it centers on the person and work of Jesus Christ! We must know who He is and what He has come to do. Luke 19:10 says “I have come to seek and save those who were lost.”


It is critical that you know the Word of God! The Bible gives us this blessed assurance! The other two truths will be discussed in day 4 and 5.

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Friday, August 28, 2020


 TOPIC ONE: Eternal Security of the Believer




MEMORY VERSE: "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life."  I John 5:13


Anyone can “say” they believe and they can have profession without possession. A believer in Christ is not simply someone who has been baptized or has had communion or joined a church. It is more than the display of some interest in Christ.


The word “believe” in John 3:16 and the New Testament means precisely this:


To fully trust in

To fully rely on

To rest our full weight upon


And a believer is someone who fully trusts Christ alone for his salvation, who fully relies upon Christ for their righteousness and who has put the totality of their lives upon the person and work of Jesus! That is faith. Have you ever seen the acrostic for faith?

F = forsaking

A = all

I = I

T = trust

H = Him


Forsaking all others, I trust in Christ alone for my salvation. Not your works, not your water baptism, not your church membership, but Christ alone! Foundational truth 101! If you say you are a believer, then live like it!

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Thursday, August 27, 2020




DAY 1: WHO SHALL SEPARATE US? Romans 8:35-39


MEMORY VERSE: "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you might know that you have eternal life." I John 5:13


The question under consideration is this: can a believer in Christ ever be lost? Is it possible that once we have been born again spiritually and know the love of God and have been justified by faith --- is it possible for me to become lost or unsaved again? Have you ever "felt" that way?


The best place to find an answer to that question is the Word of God. Look at two passages today:


I John 5:13 --- you should know it!


Romans 8:35-39 --- asks the same question AND provides us with an answer!


Verse 35B – note what we think might separate us ….


Then see the great truth of v. 37 that says “In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Not some, not just a few selected ones, but all!


Verses 38-39 state clearly and powerfully what CANNOT separate us!


Conclusion: Nothing, absolutely, positively nothing – no sin, no trial, no suffering

can separate us from the love of God which we have in Christ Jesus. A believer in Jesus Christ is eternally secure!

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 Every true Christian is a disciple of Christ! The only question is whether you are a good disciple or a bad disciple. Several years ago I put together a discipleship program that I called Dynamics of Discipleship. The purpose of the study was threefold:


1.    It will help you to know God better, in order for you to love God more which, in turn, enables you to serve God to His glory.

2.    We have a responsibility not only to learn these truths but we also are to be able to share with others also. II Timothy 2:2 makes this very plain.

3.    Most importantly, it is a study that will help you to develop a daily commitment to the Word of God.


I have updated the study and streamlined it a bit so it can be done in a timely fashion online. We are going to do it on the Shepherding Southport blog each day. I will make a short post about a truth found in the Word of God and you are to read the material for that day. It will begin tomorrow, Thursday, August 27, 2020.


We will study one topic for six days. Various Scriptures. Different truths.

On the seventh day --- I will summarize the three major truths for the week.

That seventh day will be yours to comment and/or ask any questions. The Wednesday Night Bible study will be a review of the week and you can catch it live streaming or later on YouTube. There, I will try to answer your questions and deal with various issues.


Before you read the blog each day, say a brief prayer asking the Lord to teach you a new truth and to re-emphasize an older truth. Select a good time and place. Have your open Bible with you and off we go.


Some of the topics to be explored are Eternal Security of the Believer, God’s Book for God’s People, Walking with God, Worship, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Gifts and Lifestyle Evangelism. This brief 5-10 minutes a day could change your life!


Matthew 28:19-20 says “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. AMEN.”

Direct all comments and questions to:

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Introduction to Digital Discipleship!

 Luke 9:23-24 says “if anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Those words contain a tremendous challenge!


The Pastor is going to try something very unique and needs your help. Beginning Thursday, August 27, 2020, he is going to start a Digital Discipleship ministry using the online Southport Blog. Each week a different Biblical topic related to discipleship will be explored. Each day, for six days, the blog will post different but related material. On the seventh day --- which will be Wednesday --- the week will be summarized and then you will have the opportunity to make comments and/or ask any questions. Your questions and comments can be sent to and they will be confidential. The Wednesday Night Bible study will be a summary of the week!


Five to ten minutes a day!

Eleven weeks – eleven topics – 77 days of fellowship in the Word!

Result?  You will become a stronger and more informed Christian!


We encourage every member of the Church be involved!

Feel free to invite others to join us.

Thursday, August 27, 2020! Digital Discipleship.


At or


Monday, August 24, 2020

Beatitudes in the Bible

 Most people would define “beatitude” as “blessed, happy, wholesome and full.” A beatitude is that but it also means more than that. It literally means:


Supreme blessedness

Exalted happiness

Very best


A beatitude is a statement that depicts a certain quality of life, a characteristic one should possess, a blessing that is to be lived and enjoyed. The most famous beatitudes were given by Jesus and are found in Matthew 5:3-12 and I am sure that you are familiar with those.


But did you know that the book of Revelation also contains beatitudes? I bet you didn’t but now you know. Check out the following beatitudes in Revelation. They contain great promises of supreme blessing and exalted happiness. Take a minute and thumb through Revelation and read them:










I encourage to take some time and thumb through some of those promises. And I assure you that you will be blessed and encouraged and challenged! The beatitudes of the book of Revelation.

Sunday, August 23, 2020




What a verse and a testimony from this Psalmist. This is the day --- this very day is:


A day to worship and praise the Lord

A day to do that with my friends and family

A day to pray and intercede for others

A day to hear the Word of God proclaimed

A day to present offerings to the Lord

A day to sing the high praises of God

A day to honor the Lord Himself

A day of rest and blessing

A day to revitalize and recuperate

A day to celebrate the resurrection of Christ


Today – this day – this Lord’s Day – this Sunday --- is the day to do just that!!!


Rejoice in it!


How are you going to spend your day?

Saturday, August 22, 2020


 A few weeks ago, I preached a sermon from Matthew 7:21-23 on lawlessness but I entitled the message “If I Were the Devil.” I opened the sermon with a 1964 quotation from Paul Harvey whereby he talked about what he would do if he were the Devil and wanted to destroy America. Some of the things he said were very much spot on.


I believe in the reality of Satan and that he is active in the attempt to destroy America and truth. His strategy centers around 5 major areas:


He wants to discredit the Bible --- its inspiration, inerrancy, sufficiency and its authority. And he does that in lots and lots of ways.


He wants to destroy the family as the basic unit that holds society together. Permissiveness and sexual immorality are a big part of this plan.


He works overtime to defame the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he does a nice job by encouraging the irrelevance of the church for today!


He wants to distort the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Primarily by proclaiming that Jesus is not the only way and emphasizing a man centered gospel.


Satan wants to disrupt the function of government by causing everybody to look to the government for all the answers to all the problems. And yet, many times the government IS the problem, not the answer.


Ole Satan, seemingly, has succeeded. But only for a while. He knows he is doomed and that his days are numbered. (Revelation 20:7-10) He is working overtime to do everything he can to wreak havoc on the earth. You have been forewarned!





Friday, August 21, 2020


 I am sure that you have heard that saying before. And I am even more certain that there have been times in your life when you have found yourself in a similar predicament. What does a person do when he/she finds themselves between a rock and a hard place? When you must choose sides? When you must come to a crossroad? When you must decide?


Life is filled with choices. And all choices have definite consequences.


Money --- save it or spend it?


Job --- take it or stay where I am?


Marriage --- work it out or walk away?


America --- love it or leave it?


Truth --- give in or stand tall?


Religion --- believe in Christ or not?


Church --- serve or be content on the outside?


When I have found myself between a rock and a hard place, the first thing I want to know is: what God says about it? What does Scripture teach? What is the best way to go forward? He alone is omniscient and knows my future.


Secondly, I pray for wisdom and strength.

Thirdly, I may talk to a trusted friend.

Lastly, I “cogitate” on it a little. Think about it. Roll it over in my mind.

Then, I make my decision and move forward, knowing that I have done my best!


Thursday, August 20, 2020


One of, if not the most important thing, that a Church will ever do, is to extend a call to a Pastor! And it is critically important that the Church and the Pastor be in God’s will for their respective lives. Otherwise, we have a problem.


That raises the issue of what should be the requirements for calling a man to be a Pastor? Pastoral Selection Committees should know what the Word says about those qualifications. I Timothy 3:1-7 is a good place to start.


In that list of qualifications and other related texts, a paramount prerequisite is that the Pastor must be a man who knows the Word of God. And he must know how to teach it, preach it, explain it and live it.


He may have a great family.

He may have a winsome and warm personality.

Have a wonderful and loving spirit.

A man of sterling character.

Impeccable academic credentials.

Tremendous staff person.

Knows all the latest technology.


If He is not solid and truly grounded in the Word; if he doesn’t love the Word as much as he loves life; if he doesn’t like to study and pray and dig --- he is going to have a very short ministry in that church.


Churches today --- more than anytime in its history --- needs a man who is truly a Bible man. II Timothy 2:15 says “study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


We live in a world where the definition of a family has changed over the years. We now have divorced parents. Step parents. Single parents. No parents. Two Dads. Two Moms. The family today is a long, long way from where and how God looks at the family.


Were you aware that the “family” was really, initially, God’s idea? He created the family. He designed the family. He created Adam and then created the woman out of Adam. The first Adam was a male and the first Eve was a female. And I am speaking biologically. That is the testimony of Scripture and Jesus. See Matthew 19:4-5. (BTW, this also means that God instituted marriage as well)


Was God aware that when He created Adam and Eve that the family would be what it is today or is He surprised at all this mixture? If you believe in the omniscience of God and the sovereignty of God, I know that you know the answer to that question.


God is not surprised! His definition of family hasn’t changed over the years and His guidance for the family hasn’t changed, either.


Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Ephesians 5:25

Wives are to complete their husbands by being submissive to him. Eph. 5:22

Both are to serve the Lord!

Children are to obey their parents! Ephesians 6:1-3


That family is to acknowledge the Lordship of Christ in their lives.

They are to serve Christ in and through the local Church.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


When Jesus Christ calls a person to follow Him, He bids that person to die to self!

We are to be submissive to Christ in all things.  Luke 9:23-24; 14:33

He is to be Lord of our lives.

He is the One who is now in charge.

He is the Shepherd; we are the sheep!


We are to live a life in which people can see that Jesus has made a difference.

Romans 12:1-2 says it most succinctly:


“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service (or worship)

And be not conformed to this world, but you are to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”


If God has given you a new heart in salvation, then He will have your body, too. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. He, God the Holy Spirit, lives IN you! Look at I Corinthians 6:19-20. Take care of your body. Eat right. Exercise. Walk. Sleep right.


He will also have your mind … for your mind is in your body. At least it is for most people, anyway. Be careful what you put into your mind. That is the best way to be light in a world of darkness. II Corinthians 6:14-17 asks:


“What fellowship has light with darkness?” The answer is none! We are to be separate! Because we belong to Him!


Monday, August 17, 2020


There are many subjects addressed by the Bible that some people wished were not there. Or if they do admit that it is a Biblical teaching, they either ignore it or neglect it. Several popular ones come to mind. One is sexual immorality. Very few today frown upon co-habitation as two consenting adults should be able to live and do as they please. Right? Included with them are “idolaters, adulterers, homosexuality, greediness, drunkards, etc.”  I Corinthians 6:9-10 condemns all those practices!


Another one that is neglected and not so obvious to us is the practice of church discipline and responsibility! How many churches do you know that are still practicing church discipline? How many churches are living in open rebellion to the truths of Matthew 16:15-17 and the specific teachings of Christ?


What is the responsibility of a church member?

Should the Church hold its members accountable?

Should this teaching just be ignored? Neglected?

Maybe we should just rip it out of the Bible?


But you cannot do that. You must take the whole Bible or not any of it at all!


Paul in Galatians 6:1 says, “brethren, if a man is overtaken in a fault, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering yourself, that you also may be tempted.”


Church discipline? Really? Realistically. Lovingly. Graciously. Meekly. The Church would be less in number but more holy in character and commitment!

Sunday, August 16, 2020


The past few days we have talking about the importance of the church and Satan’s attack on the Lord’s Church. Satan attacks the church’s authority, which is the Bible. He attacks its Gospel, which is the Gospel of grace. But Satan frequently attacks the very nature of the church.


Theology used to be the Queen of all the Sciences.

Pastors and preachers were well respected.

The Church was a major influence in society.

But, no more. No longer.


The Church is frail but in other respects she is very strong.

The Church is buffeted and under attack but she still lives.

The Church is not perfect because it is composed of imperfect people.

The Church has goats as well as sheep on its membership rolls.

The Head of the Church is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ and because of Him --- the Church will stand forever.


I love how the Apostle Peter phrased it in I Peter 2:9:


“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light!”


May we live like it! What about church today?

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Has anyone ever walked up to you and said, “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?”


What was your response? Did you say, “that’s great. I love me, too and I am certainly glad to know that God loves me as well. This is wonderful. And you say that He has a wonderful plan for my life as well? That is great for I have a truly wonderful plan for my life as well. And you tell me that if I accept Him into my life, I will have my best life now and He will take me to heaven when I die. Is that what you mean?”


Have you ever been party to conversations like that?

Does that describe your conversion experience?

If you have, is that Biblical salvation?

Where is any consideration of repentance? Mark 1:15

Where is any talk about the meaning of the Gospel? Romans 1:16

How can a holy God be just and at the same time forgive my sin? Romans 3:21-26


Listen --- you cannot start with God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life! You must start with the Biblical teaching about who God is --- just, holy, righteous and merciful. You must tell that person that he/she is a sinner and must repent of those sins and believe what the Bible says about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. AND … you must tell them it will cost them everything to be a follower of Christ! Matthew 16:24; Luke 14:25-33.


We must tell them the TRUTH about God, man, sin, salvation and Jesus Christ! Only then will they grasp the true meaning of Biblical salvation.

Friday, August 14, 2020


How would you define the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Do you struggle to find words to describe what you think?

Why is that so?


Is it because of Hollywood? Too much TV?

Is it the leftovers of a social gospel?

Is it because of liberal teachers and professors?


Or is it because of the ignorance of so-called evangelists or preachers/pastors who have reduced the Gospel to:


4 spiritual laws

5 things you ought to know

6 stops on the Roman Road

Pray this prayer that I whisper in your ear?


We have traded regeneration for decision making.

We have reduced salvation to a feeling.


The Gospel must start with the nature of God and the biblical God is a holy God!

He is a just God who is filled with righteousness.

Then, it goes straight to the heart of man and his fallen condition: sinners!


Question: how can a holy and just God forgive sin and still be just?

That is the great dilemma. A must read is Romans 3:21-26!

Does He just wave a magic wand? Does He just love us?

Does He utter some kind of theological abra ca dabra?


Instead, God became a man in the person of His Son. That Son lived a perfect life and became the qualified substitute for our sin. He died in our place. He endured our curse. He suffered our condemnation. He paid the price for our redemption. He bore our guilt. He died and rose again that we might live! There is power in that Gospel! And it is the work of God alone.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


The book of Romans is considered by many as the greatest book in the entire Bible. Why? Because it defines for us what the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is. It is a doctrinal book and Paul spends the first three chapters of the book seeking to stress one thing:


Man is a sinner.

Man is a condemned sinner.

Man is an unworthy, condemned sinner.

Man is a hopelessly lost, unworthy, condemned and unfit for Heaven sinner.

Man is a depraved, hopelessly lost, unworthy, condemned and unfit for heaven sinner! Who desperately needs the saving grace of God!


The Apostle Paul wants us to see that the purpose of all this condemnation is for man to see himself as God sees us. A knowledge of self is critical before anybody will ever surrender themselves to God.


In today’s world, we have a view of ourselves as worthy and wonderful and good enough to demand that God save us! The Bible teaches that there is none good, no not one --- when we compare ourselves to the standard of the Scriptures. We esteem ourselves more than we esteem God.


You will NEVER see or agree with or embrace the grace of God until and unless you see yourself as a sinner who needs the saving grace of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!


Take your Bible and read Romans 1:18-32 and 3:10-19!!!

Now, tell me what you think.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020


One of the greatest verses in the Bible is found in Jeremiah 9:23-24:


“Thus says the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches, but let him who glories, glory in this > that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who exercises mercy, justice and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, says the LORD.”


How well do you know the Lord? How long have you been a church member?

How many of His attributes could you name and explain?

How much have you ever studied the person and character of God?

The Bible’s God is a vast and immense subject and can be quite controversial.


Do you believe in the sovereignty of God?

Is He sovereign over all things?

Including salvation?

Do you believe in the wrath and judgment of God?

Do you believe in the holiness of God?

Do you believe in Hell and eternal punishment?

Do those subjects make you queasy and uncomfortable?


The majority of church members live and die in an ignorance of God! Why?

They attend church very infrequently.

They never read and study their Bibles.

They are content with memorizing John 3:16.


Go back and look long and hard at Jeremiah 9:23-24. That is the God of the Bible!

Is this the God you know?

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Because the Church is so vital to the heart of God, Satan has unleashed an all out attack upon the Church. He does that from within and from without. He uses all means possible. One way that Satan attacks the Church is by demeaning the veracity and sufficiency of the Word. He tells us the Bible is antiquated and old. Outdated. Certainly, irrelevant for today’s enlightened society. He used this approach on Eve in the garden and Jesus in the wilderness.


The Bible claims to be and I fully embrace its inspiration. II Timothy 3:16 makes that claim unequivocally! But the next question that follows inspiration is:


Is the Bible sufficient to help us navigate life or do we need all the intellectual anthropologists, social scientists and psychologists to guide us into a full and meaningful life? Satan always suggests that we need more than the Bible. He is always wanting to add something to the Bible. And the instant you do that --- you begin to distort and pollute the truth. See II Timothy 3:17.


The major difference between truth and error is not a gaping hole but a razor’s edge.


God’s word is







I believe it is. Do you?

Monday, August 10, 2020



“I am a church man!” Ever heard that confession before? It means that I believe in the reality, the authority and the eternality of the Church! The word “church” comes from the word “ecclesia” meaning “called out ones.” The Lord Jesus Christ has and is calling out a people unto Himself.


He calls them through His Word and His Spirit.

He calls them unto salvation and service.

He calls them to love one another and encourage one another.


God has established only three institutions:

The family.

The Church.

The government.


And only those three! Of those three institutions, only one will stand forever. And that one is the Church. Jesus told the disciple Peter that “upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18


The Church is His bride.  Ephesians 5:32-33

The Church is His Body.  Ephesians 5:23, 30

The Church is His flock.  John 10:9-11

The Church is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  I Corinthians 6:19-20


Jesus died for His church, His called-out ones.

He gave His life for His sheep.


His church will stand FOREVER! Ephesians 3:20-21!

Sunday, August 9, 2020


Many of us thought that the coronavirus pandemic would be gone by now! But it has not disappeared and has left many of us with the COVID 19 Blues. This pandemic has created hysteria, fear and a great deal of uncertainty, which, in turn, can lead to frustration and depression. The blues. Just the blahs.


The confinement! Blah.

The uncertainty!

Nothing good on TV!

No sports!

No vacation and travel!

Close quarters with entire family!

No eating out … much! Except for take out.

Upcoming Presidential election!

Eating a lot of meals at home!

Curtailment of work schedules!

No school!

To wear or not wear a mask!


Raises a lot of questions for normal folks, doesn’t it? And can easily bring on bouts with depression! So, what can I do? Here are a few suggestions:


Be creative. Use Facetime or Zoom app to see and talk to family and friends.

Don’t watch the news cycle 24/7.

DO NOT believe all you read on Facebook, TV or the newspapers.

 Read a good book. Maybe, THE Good Book!

Take a long walk. With family or friend.

Buy yourself something online. Personal.

Go to church, if you can. If not, watch it online.

Exercise, if you can.

Appreciate the value of “comfort” foods.

Realize that the LORD is in control. Even with the coronavirus.


Philippians 4:13, 19