Saturday, August 22, 2020


 A few weeks ago, I preached a sermon from Matthew 7:21-23 on lawlessness but I entitled the message “If I Were the Devil.” I opened the sermon with a 1964 quotation from Paul Harvey whereby he talked about what he would do if he were the Devil and wanted to destroy America. Some of the things he said were very much spot on.


I believe in the reality of Satan and that he is active in the attempt to destroy America and truth. His strategy centers around 5 major areas:


He wants to discredit the Bible --- its inspiration, inerrancy, sufficiency and its authority. And he does that in lots and lots of ways.


He wants to destroy the family as the basic unit that holds society together. Permissiveness and sexual immorality are a big part of this plan.


He works overtime to defame the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he does a nice job by encouraging the irrelevance of the church for today!


He wants to distort the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Primarily by proclaiming that Jesus is not the only way and emphasizing a man centered gospel.


Satan wants to disrupt the function of government by causing everybody to look to the government for all the answers to all the problems. And yet, many times the government IS the problem, not the answer.


Ole Satan, seemingly, has succeeded. But only for a while. He knows he is doomed and that his days are numbered. (Revelation 20:7-10) He is working overtime to do everything he can to wreak havoc on the earth. You have been forewarned!





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