Friday, August 14, 2020


How would you define the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Do you struggle to find words to describe what you think?

Why is that so?


Is it because of Hollywood? Too much TV?

Is it the leftovers of a social gospel?

Is it because of liberal teachers and professors?


Or is it because of the ignorance of so-called evangelists or preachers/pastors who have reduced the Gospel to:


4 spiritual laws

5 things you ought to know

6 stops on the Roman Road

Pray this prayer that I whisper in your ear?


We have traded regeneration for decision making.

We have reduced salvation to a feeling.


The Gospel must start with the nature of God and the biblical God is a holy God!

He is a just God who is filled with righteousness.

Then, it goes straight to the heart of man and his fallen condition: sinners!


Question: how can a holy and just God forgive sin and still be just?

That is the great dilemma. A must read is Romans 3:21-26!

Does He just wave a magic wand? Does He just love us?

Does He utter some kind of theological abra ca dabra?


Instead, God became a man in the person of His Son. That Son lived a perfect life and became the qualified substitute for our sin. He died in our place. He endured our curse. He suffered our condemnation. He paid the price for our redemption. He bore our guilt. He died and rose again that we might live! There is power in that Gospel! And it is the work of God alone.

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