Thursday, December 31, 2020



TEXT: “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their through their word.”  John 17:20

The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13.

In John 17 we have what is sometimes referred to as the high priestly prayer of Jesus whereby he intercedes for us in prayer. The entire 26 verses are devoted to the contents of this prayer. Jesus prayed for three major things:

First, He prays that His own life and death would bring glory to God. A glory that He had with the Father before He came to the earth.  See 17:1-5

Secondly, He prays for His disciples. They were anxious, afraid and uncertain about their own future, much less His. Jesus had given them eternal life (vv.6-8) He prays that they may have joy and spiritual protection, that they be strong and persevere. (see verses 9, 13 and 15). He prays that they would be sanctified by the truth (v.19).

Thirdly, He also prays for you and me and all those who will believe because of the witness and testimony of these very disciples. (v.20-21) He prays for unity and He prays that they may know that --- and get this --- that they may KNOW that God loves them as much as He did His own Son! (v.23-26) God loves you as much as He loves Jesus! Incredible? Yes. Astounding? True!

No man has ever prayed like that! 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020



TEXT: “who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear.”    Hebrews 5:7

Chances are good that you haven’t read that verse in a while. Let me encourage you to go back and read it slowly and carefully! It is, of course, referring to the prayer life of Jesus during His earthly ministry. No better way, no more appropriate way to end one year and begin another year than by considering the subject of prayer.

Question: since Jesus is God and divine, how can God pray to Himself?

Since he was omniscient and omnipotent, why pray?

Did He really need to pray or was he simply offering us an example to follow?

Jesus was God in the flesh and was divine.

But He was also human, fully human. And even as the perfect man, He needed to pray. The prayer life described above in verse 7 in today’s text leaves us in awe, does it not?

Think about it: the Son of God praying to God the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit! 

His prayer life was as indispensable to Him as it is for us.

Take a minute and thank Him today for the great and holy privilege of prayer! 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020



TEXT: “Our Father, who art in heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts

As we forgive our debtors

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil

For thine is the kingdom

And the power and the glory

Forever. Amen”      Matthew 6:9-13

Tucked away in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7, you find the Lord’s Prayer.

It is not necessary that we always pray this prayer verbatim verse by verse, line by line. What is important is that we apply the principles of this prayer.

Please note that the glory of God comes BEFORE the needs of man!

It does not begin with “gimme, gimme, gimme.”

It puts God in His proper place of being first!

May God be acknowledged as Father!

That there is a heaven.

That His will be in the forefront of our minds at all times.

That His glory be paramount!

Only then do we pray for ourselves. 

Elvis Presley, "Who Am I" with lyrics, Beautiful Gospel song. 

Monday, December 28, 2020



TEXT: “who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear.”  Hebrews 5:7

THAT verse is a profound verse of scripture.

It teaches us an incredible truth!

Pregnant with meaning and power.

Jesus had a lot to say about the importance of prayer. He taught in detail and gave instruction about some of the particulars of prayer: how, why, when and where. For example consider the following:

  • Jesus commands believers to pray for their enemies.  Luke 6:28

  • Jesus tells us to pray that God would send forth laborers into the harvest. Luke 10:2

  • Jesus teaches that we are to pray with tenacity and perseverance.  Luke 11:5-11

  • We are to pray that we avoid temptation.  Luke 22:40,44

  • Jesus warns us not to pray hypocritical prayers.  Luke 20:47

  • We are to pray that God will give to us copious measures of the Holy Spirit.  Luke 11:11-13

On the cross, as He takes his last earthly breaths, He prays and asks the Father, “forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  Luke 23:34

What a PRAY-ER Jesus was! 

Sunday, December 27, 2020



TEXT: “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He departed and went out to a desolate place, and there He prayed.”    Mark 1:35

Jesus practiced what He preached.

He also practiced what He prayed!

This truth loses most people when it talks about, “rising very early in the morning.” Many people today are sluggards and sleepyheads and have to drag themselves out of bed every day. Not so with Jesus for He evidently was an early riser. A man on a mission. Focused. Driven.

“Went out to a desolate place” = a quiet place, somewhere away from all the noise and distractions of life. Away from the TV and people and stuff. Somewhere He could focus on what is really important. Do you have such a place? A room in the house? The garage? The car? 

You do not have to get up at 4:00 a.m. to be a true Christian or prayer warrior. You do not have to go to a desolate place to pray. However, you should be praying, earnestly, somewhere, every day! And you should be doing it consistently.

Pray WHEN you feel like it.

When WHEN YOU DON’T feel like it.

Pray UNTIL YOU DO feel like it.

But by all means pray! Jesus did!

Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Christy Nockels | Worship Circle Hymns 

Saturday, December 26, 2020



TEXT: “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He departed and went out to a desolate place, and there He prayed.”  Mark 1:35 

“And there he prayed” = the Son of God on His knees in prayer. What a sight!

Jesus prayed not only early in the morning but all throughout the day and His ministry.

Before He chose the 12 disciples Jesus spent some time in prayer. Luke 6:12 states that He prayed all night for He fully recognized the magnitude of His choices.

He prayed privately but He also prayed publicly. Matthew 11:24-25 Jesus said. “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and have revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.”

He instructed the disciples on how to pray.  See Matthew 6:9-13

Jesus realized the necessity of prayer and that it was essential for the fulfillment of His ministry.

Jesus prayed that the will of God be done first in His life. That was His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Luke 22:41-44

In the Garden 

Friday, December 25, 2020



TEXT: “For there is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Luke 2:11

This great angelic announcement to the shepherds has gargantuan implications for each and every one of us. Why?

Because men need a Savior. We need deliverance. We need rescuing.

From what, you may ask?

From ourselves!

From our sins!

From death, hell and the grave!

And Jesus Christ is the only one who can do that.

We need deliverance from the penalty of sin. Sin condemns us and damns us and exposes us to the eternal wrath of God. Jesus came to deliver us from that penalty by assuming it upon Himself. That is called the doctrine of justification.  Romans 3:21-26

We need deliverance from the power of sin. Once we are saved, we still must battle the power of indwelling sin and a risen Christ gives that to us. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. See I John 4:4. This is called sanctification.

We need deliverance from the very presence of sin. That has to do with glorification and will one day take place in heaven. God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. No more pain, for the former things have passed away. That is in heaven --- forever.  See Revelation 21:1-4

Today, thank God for a living, risen and soon coming Savior!

For Unto You Is Born This Day - Carman (Lyrics).wmv 

Thursday, December 24, 2020



TEXT: “...And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…”   Isaiah 9:6

Names reveal character and character reveals the person. Jesus Christ is called the Prince of Peace. The peace that he came to give was spiritual peace. It is peace between God and man. And it involves the reconciliation of sinful man to a holy God.

The angelic multitude sang at His birth “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men.”  Luke 2:14

Sin always brings war, alienation, destruction and death. Sin puts man at odds with God; sin makes man an enemy of God; sin separates man from God; and sin, left alone will bring eternal death and destruction.

Jesus took upon Himself human flesh and became a man in order to bring about peace between God and man. He tore down that barrier, that wall of sin that separated sinful man from holy God. Therefore, we read in Ephesians 2:14  that “For He Himself is our peace.”

He doesn’t come so much to give peace but He, Jesus, is our peace!

He gives us Himself and He becomes our peace.

The peace of a forgiven sinner.

The peace of a new life.

The peace of brotherly love.

Real peace. Genuine peace. 

Everlasting peace only at the Second Coming of Christ!

Carrie Underwood - Let There Be Peace (Official Audio Video) 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020



TEXT: …”and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace …”   Isaiah 9:6

Isaiah 9 is called a Messianic chapter because it speaks of a coming Messiah and who exactly he is. This was a promise of hope and comfort to the people of Israel who were living in darkness.

God is an eternal Spirit.

Jesus Christ is God.

He came to reveal this invisible God. 

That is why Hebrews 1:1-3 says that He is the visible expression of an invisible God! 

Jesus came to reveal God.

Jesus Christ is God.

Jesus told Philip in John 14:9 “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known me, Philip? HE WHO HAS SEEN ME HAS SEEN THE FATHER.” Let those words slowly sink into your brain.

Please take a minute to read and study John 14:6-12. Compare with Isaiah 9:6

Jesus Christ IS revealed as the Everlasting Father!

Great is the mystery of godliness! I Timothy 3:16 and 6:15-16.   

Tuesday, December 22, 2020



TEXT: “,,, And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace …”  Isaiah 9:6

One of the primary characteristics of our God is His omnipotence. The word “omnipotent” means all powerful, possessed with the ability to do mighty things.” Jesus is  omnipotent!

That omnipotence was seen in the creation of the world.  John  1:1-3

It was seen in the mighty miracles that He performed during His earthly ministry. John  2:11

He was able to heal the  sick.

He could still a raging sea with the mere power of His word.

He raised the dead.

Additionally, in John  10:17-18, He said “I have power to lay my life down and I have power to raise it. He raised Himself from the dead.
Matthew 28:18 --- just before He ascended into heaven, He said “all power in heaven and earth has been given to me.”

He is presently seated at the right hand of God, the hand of authority and power.

He has power to save and change lives.

He has power to encourage and comfort and keep.

He has power to raise the dead!

He is “the mighty God!”

There is no one like Him!

What a Mighty God We Serve 

Monday, December 21, 2020



TEXT: “... And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor”   Isaiah 9:6

In the Hebrew Bible there is no comma between the wonderful and counselor. We sing a great song at church called “His Name is Wonderful” written by Bill and Gloria Gaither but biblically, if you want to be correct ---it is better translated “Wonderful Counselor!”

Psychotherapy is in vogue today and there are many people who go for psychological therapy on a regular basis. Those people need someone to listen and help them evaluate reality and offer some possibilities for dealing with their issues.

May I suggest another Counselor as well? His name is Jesus  and He knows you better than any doctor in the world. He knows you better than you know yourself. He loves you more than anyone else in the world. He desires the very best for you. And He knows everything about you. He knows all about your problems. He knows all about your past. He knows everything about your present issues. And He alone knows your future!

Look to Him for wisdom, guidance, direction and instruction and help.

The charge is free.

His office is always open.

No appointment is necessary.

The results are guaranteed!

Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor!

Proverbs 1:7 says “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Bill & Gloria Gaither - He Touched Me [Live] ft. The Isaacs 


Sunday, December 20, 2020



TEXT: “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases …”   Psalm 103:2-3

I believe in divine healing. In fact, I believe that all healing is divine and is of God. I believe that God uses doctors and nurses and medicine and hospitals and technology.

I do not believe in divine healers. I do not believe that certain people possess the gift of divine healing and can merely pray for and touch somebody and they are instantly and completely healed. It happens sometimes and when it does happen it is all because of God’s amazing grace. If there are healers out there, then let’s go to the hospitals, nursing homes and rehab centers and empty them today!

Jesus healed many people during His earthly ministry but He did not heal all people. Some had faith and some did not. All divine healing lies in the sovereign hands of an omniscient God. Sometimes He chooses to heal in this earthly life. Sometimes the healing must wait until we arrive on the other side. 

The Apostle Paul asked the Lord three times to remove the thorn in his side. Each time the Lord said no. Did Paul lack faith? Did he not believe? God told Paul in II Corinthians 12;7-10, “My grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

The greatest healing, the most profound miracle is salvation, forgiveness of sin for a sin sick soul! Jesus will ultimately --- in glory --- heal all diseases. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020



TEXT: “Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, Thus it is written,That the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead … “ Luke 24:45-46

Many people think that Jesus is His first name and Christ is His last name. Hence, Jesus Christ.

Jesus is His name.

Christ is His title.

Jesus is the Christ!

Christ means “the anointed One, the Chosen One” --- the one chosen by God the Father to:

Reveal the person and character of God.

Be the One who died as our Substitute.

To be the One who was our Sacrifice.

Chosen to pay our sin debt.

Chosen to reconcile us to a holy God.

Chosen to be a propitiation for our sins.

To open up a new and living way.

To die on the cross and the third day be raised from the dead to live forevermore!

Jesus is the One anointed of God to be our Savior and for that, we should bow in grace and humility and thank Him for doing so!

Thank you Lord for saving my soul

Thank you Lord for making me whole

Thank you Lord for giving to me

Thy great salvation so rich and free! 

Friday, December 18, 2020



TEXT: “Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him for the dead, you will be saved.”   Romans 10:9

Major retail companies today are market driven and over time they build a logo or a brand that represents exactly what their company is all about. For example, when you see the swoosh logo you instantly think of Nike and its mantra “Just do it.” For a long time Burger King marketed their products with “Have it Your Way.” Many other companies do the same thing.

The early Church also had a creed, a mantra, a saying that distinguished it from all other religions of the day. That creed was simple > Jesus Christ is Lord!

Jesus Christ is Boss.

He is King.

He is Ruler.

He is Sovereign.

He is God!

The simple teaching of the Bible is that when you profess a belief in that name and that God the Father raised HIm from the dead --- it will bring about salvation in your life. Simple? Yes it is  but it is also utterly life changing and transforming. The subject is important to God for He says that one day “every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11.

If you have never done that, why not right now?

If you have, then say it out loud, Jesus is Lord!

What A Lovely Name (Live At Studio C, Gaither Studios, Alexandria, IN/2016) 

Thursday, December 17, 2020



TEXT: “But she will bear a Son, and you shall call His name, Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”         Matthew 1:21

Truth be told --- your name was probably given to you by your parents. And if truth be told a second time, you probably don’t like your name and wished you had a different name. 

Do you know who named Jesus? An angel from the Lord appeared to Mary and told her to give him that name. That name is used millions of times every day and yet, I believe very few could stop and tell you what that name means!

Jesus means “salvation is of Jehovah” or “Jehovah is my salvation.” The Old Testament equivalent to that name is Joshua. The name “Jesus” means that our salvation must be exclusively accredited to the Lord God.

Our salvation was planned by Him.

It was designed by Him.

It was all of Him and that highlights the wonderful grace of God. Who would have ever even conceived of such a plan? Who had the wisdom to think of such? God gave us a Son, who died on a cross --- as a Substitute, a Sacrifice for unworthy, wicked sinners such as ourselves in order to redeem us. That is what Christmas is all about. The glorious and wonderful name of Jesus!

Alway remember that Jesus = Jehovah is my salvation. And your salvation is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself! 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020



TEXT: “You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if in fact, the Spirit of God indwells you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him.”

A few days ago we talked a little bit about the Companion of Jesus being the Holy Spirit. The importance of this cannot be overstated! We affirmed that Jesus  Christ is God and that He is man. His obedience in our place needed to be real obedience from a sinless man. Jesus did not “cheat” by relying on His divine nature. He lived His life --- sinlessly --- as a human being who was indwelt and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God!

You, too, have the same Companion!

The very same Holy Spirit dwells in you!.

He must lead.

He must direct. 

He must empower.

The Spirit’s goal is to glorify Christ in us by making us more like Christ than ourselves!

“Wherever the Spirit of Christ is, He

Reveals Christ to the understanding,

Enthrones Christ in the affections, 

Gives Christ control of the will,

Endears Christ to the heart,

Glorifies Christ in the soul, and

Conforms the person to the lively likeness of Jesus Christ.”  

Rev. James Smith 1802-1863, the predecessor to C. H Spurgeon

Old Friends Quartet - I Want to Be More Like Jesus Every Day [Live]

Tuesday, December 15, 2020



TEXT: “And He who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do those things that are

pleasing to Him.”  John 8:29

What is there in your life that brings you the greatest pleasure?

That makes you happy? Satisfied? Content?

Is it family? Food? Work well done? Sports? Shopping? Friends?

What brings you the greatest pleasure? Not just a little. Not just some.

What do you think brought Jesus the greatest pleasure?

The relationship He had with the disciples?

The feeding of the 5,000?

The healing of the man born blind?

The triumphant entry into Jerusalem?

Oh no, none of those things! In everything He did and every word He spoke and every deed He performed --- His main goal was to glorify and please the Father! 

At His public baptism, God the Father said, “this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The Father was pleased with the Son because everything the Son did was to please the Father!

Do you want to please God? Then, walk and live by faith!

Hebrews 11:6 states that “without faith, it is impossible to please God!”

Jesus always did that which was pleasing to the Father!

Do we? Can we say that? 

An old hymn called “Satisfied with Jesus” has these lines for a verse:

I am satisfied with Jesus, 

He has done so much for me.

He has suffered to redeem me

He has died to set me free

I am satisfied, I am satisfied

I am satisfied with Jesus 

But the question comes to me 

As I think of Calvary

Is my Master satisfied with me?

Gaither Vocal Band - Satisfied [Live]