Tuesday, June 30, 2020


We currently live in a society that no longer believes in the Bible as the revelation of the Word of God. People today deny its inspiration, its inerrancy, its eternality, its sufficiency and its authority. There was a time in our land where intelligent and inquiring minds would want to know what God had to say about an issue. But that time has long gone because we have raised two generations of people who are biblically illiterate. We have failed to teach this generation the Bible and we have failed to live out its truths in front of them.

The Bible has been attacked from all sides. From the classroom to the court room to the halls of Congress and to the court houses. Nobody dares to even ask “what says the Word of God?” We have become our own authority, our own inspiration, our own little gods and our own sufficiency. We are smarter than God. We are wiser than God. We are more intelligent than God.

We know what is best for ourselves.
We do not need any help from the Bible.
It is too old and outdated and antiquated and irrelevant.
We can do just fine on our own. Thank you very much.

That is --- until we get ready to die! Until Momma dies and Daddy dies and sister dies and brother dies and precious dies. THEN, we want to know:

Is there life after death?
Is there really a heaven or hell?
Will I see my loved ones again?
Is this it?
Or is there more?

Hey, smarty pants! The only place you can find answers to those questions is in that old book we called the BIBLE!

Monday, June 29, 2020


The COVID 19 pandemic has almost gotten the best of us. Many of us have tried to comply with the directions of our healthcare officials. We wash our hands. We wear our masks when we go out. We stay at home a lot. We eat more meals at home than ever before. We work from home. We educate from home. We worship from home. And many are on the verge of screaming “I have had enough!”

Couple that with the social unrest, the cries for reform, and all the unknowns of the future make us feel like we are trapped and the walls are closing in! And add to that the politics of a presidential election. Getting older by the day. Dim prospects of travel and a much needed vacation. On and on we could go …

Can I offer a little counsel straight out of the Bible? Turn to Ecclesiastes 9:7-10 and take a quick minute to read it. Really important to read it!

Enjoy your life.
Eat and work and appreciate it all.
Life is filled with vanity and uncertainty.
You don’t know when you will die.
You don’t know how it all is going to end.
You do not understand the Big Picture.
You cannot change anybody but yourself.
You lack the strength to fix it.
You lack the wisdom to fix it.
Truth is > You cannot even fix yourself!

Therefore, kick back. Unwind. Read a book. 
Appreciate all present blessing.
God will fix it all --- one day!

Sunday, June 28, 2020


America finds itself in the midst of a culture war. We see it everywhere we look in our society. It is a clash of world views and many are seeking the dechristianization of our society. Many in our nation vehemently and violently oppose a Biblical worldview. And I admit this reluctantly … but they are succeeding. We see it in the following:

The dehumanization of babies in the womb
The redefining of marriage
The fracture and destruction of the family unit
The radical sexual revolution seen in every facet of life
The liberal socialist takeover of our educational system
The unprecedented bias of all the media

It is everywhere --- from education to economics to the arts to entertainment to sports to politics! Most conservative leaders are silent. We have a bunch of sorry do-nothing politicians in Washington whose partisan divide wreaks deeply with the stench of vomit.

What can and should Christians do?

1.    Love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength. Read carefully Matthew 22:34-40.
2.    Maintain hope and joy and faithfulness in the midst of the culture war.
3.    Love people and share the life transforming Gospel at every opportunity.
4.    Let Christ be your peace and strength.
5.    Live life to its fullest! Plus, you must read Ecclesiastes 9:7-10!

Remember only God can change the world. Only God knows the big picture and the final end. And only God can change the hearts and minds of men! Today at 10:15 live on YouTube or www.southportchurchroebuck.org we will open our Bibles at look at “When A Nation Forgets God.”

Saturday, June 27, 2020


There are many people who are unsure of their salvation and are always wondering if they are truly saved. They question the reality of their salvation and live with tons of uncertainty. If you really want to know, then consider the following three truths.

THE WORD OF GOD: there is absolutely no substitute for knowing what the Word of God has to say about salvation and the promises of Scripture. Have you done what the Bible says you must do? Have you looked and studied and prayed over those truths? You must believe. Acts 16:31. You must repent. Luke 13:3, 5. You must obey. John 14:23-24. Exposure to Biblical teaching is a necessity!

THE WORK OF JESUS CHRIST: Your salvation is based on the merits of Jesus Christ alone. Who He is and what He did as our Substitute and Savior and Sacrifice. You are not saved by your works. You are not kept saved by your works. But works are an indication that you have been saved. True faith always manifests itself in outward, tangible ways. Sometimes called the obedience of faith. Ephesians 2:8-10; Romans 1:16; James 2:26. We must always study the unsearchable riches of Christ!

THE WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT: You are born again by the Spirit of God. He, the Holy Spirit, comes to indwell you and His Spirit will witness to your spirit that you are indeed a child of God. I know that I know that I know. John 3:1-7; I Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 8:9-11 and 16-17. We are indwelt and empowered by His Spirit!

Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. All bound up in the person and work of Christ and nothing can ever take that away! Read the great passage in Romans 8:35-39.

Blessed assurance Jesus is mine
O what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood

This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior, all the day long!

Friday, June 26, 2020


What do you do when you are sitting anxiously in a small doctor’s office (with no windows) and he comes in and says, “I’m sorry but it is cancer?”

What do you do when your Boss calls you into his office and says “We are going in a different direction and will not need your services anymore?”

What do you do when the phone rings at 2:00 a.m. and your son is on the phone and says, “Mom, I have been arrested for DUI?”

What do you do when your unmarried teenage daughter blurts out “I’m pregnant?”

Believe it or not, there are people who face dilemmas like that every single day! What do they do?

You have two choices > you can be bitter, resentful, hurt, take a bath in lots of self-pity oil, cry and ask “why me?” OR you can accept it as God’s providence in your life. You do not have to like it (and very often we don’t like it) but you ask the Lord for:

Grace to accept it
Wisdom to understand it
Mercy to persevere the challenge
Strength to overcome it.

All of that comes only from the LORD! You MUST stand on the truth of Romans 8:28 and Isaiah 43:1-3 and John 14:1-3 and II Corinthians 12:7-10 and Philippians 4:13, 19. Those verses are filled with grace, wisdom, mercy and strength! Those verses will assist you in your journey. I assure you of that. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7)

Thursday, June 25, 2020


In 1973 Dr. Karl Menninger wrote a book entitled Whatever Became of Sin? In that book he discusses the relevancy of sin for every generation and its manifestations everywhere. Do you ever stop and realize the sinfulness of the age in which we live? Sin is a word that many people, especially religious people, would eliminate not only from our vocabularies but also from our pulpits!

Sin is important to the Gospel because the Lord Jesus Christ died for sin. There can be no proclamation of the Gospel without some discussion of the subject of sin. I know it is not vogue and considered old fashioned but sin can and must be considered. Maybe that is why the world doesn’t like to talk much about Jesus!

We are a people who love sin as much as we Southerners love sweet tea!
We love sin as much as we love homemade ice cream and we love it in all its many flavors.
We love sin because we think it brings us permanent pleasure but it is always temporary.
We love sin because sin promises far more than it ever delivers.
Sin deceives all of us.
Sin condemns us and damns us to an eternal Hell!

To deny sin is to deny one of the most basic truths of the Bible. We cannot and must not make light of sin. We cannot skirt the issue. We cannot put a mask on it and call it something else. Therefore, we cannot avoid it!

Man has a problem > sin!
And only God has a solution > Jesus Christ.

One of the worst sins is our refusal to tell men that they are sinners. We must tell the world – our families, our friends and our neighbors that they need Jesus Christ because He is the only one who can pay their sin debt!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Repentance and faith are twin brothers and are necessary for true salvation. In order to be saved you must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God who died on the Cross for your sins. His death was a payment, a sacrifice and a substitution; He alone incurred our guilt and condemnation by experiencing the wrath of God on sin. That death was acceptable and pleasing to God the Father and because of His death, God has imputed the righteousness of God to us. Thusly, we are saved!

And … you must also repent of your sins. You must turn from them and run from them and know that it was your sin that nailed Jesus to the Cross. Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of life. Repentance is turning FROM sin TO Jesus Christ.

Paul Washer, a Christian author, has said:

“Repentance grows as faith grows. Do not make any mistake about it; repentance is not a thing of days and weeks, a temporary penance to be got over as fast as possible! No, it is the grace of a lifetime, like faith itself. God’s little children repent, and so do the young men and the fathers. Repentance is the inseparable companion of faith.” The grace of a lifetime…I like that!

In our Wednesday Night Bible Study, we are going to look at repentance from the life of David in Psalm 51. We are going to discuss some of the very truths mentioned above. Truths like why repentance is so important. Why repentance is so utterly necessary in our walk with the Lord. You can attend in person or catch us online at www.southportchurchroebuck.org or you can watch it live on YouTube. It will be a privilege and a pleasure to have you join us!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


There is an old hymn we used to sing in church entitled “Saved! Saved!”
First verse goes like this:

I’ve found a friend who is all to me
His love is ever true
I love to tell how He lifted me
And what His grace can do for you

Saved, by His power divine, Saved, to new life sublime
Life now is sweet and my joy is complete
For I’m Saved! Saved! Saved!

I am in that kind of mood today. Grateful that a sovereign God chose me in Christ before the foundation of the world and that, in time, He sent His Spirit to draw me unto Himself. (Ephesians 1:4-6) And to convict me of my sin and lostness and my need of a Savior. Grateful that His grace led me to repent and turn to Him for forgiveness.

We are not saved to just do nothing.
We are not saved to sit and soak.
We are saved to serve the King and be a responsible member of the King’s family!
Assurance is manifested in our lives as we serve Him!
Perseverance is part and parcel of the salvation experience.

Dr. Adrian Rogers, now with the Lord, once said that “The faith that fizzles before the finish had a flaw from the first!” Press on, my Christian brothers and sisters!

Monday, June 22, 2020


Yesterday during Sunday’s worship service, we opened our Bibles and studied Romans 8:28 which says “and we know that all things work together for good, to those who love God and are the called according to his purpose.” This is a profound truth.

Note what it does not say:

It does not say that all things that happen to us are good.
For they certainly are not.
It does not imply that life is all chocolates and roses.
Life can be cold and bitter at times.
It does not say that life is easy-peasy.
Cross-bearing can be very difficult.

It DOES TEACH that God is so great that He can take the bad things, even the evil things, the tragic things – all things --- and use them for our good and His glory! Nobody but a great God can do that. God is so great and powerful and majestic that He alone can turn darkness into light and evil into good and tragedy into triumph! That is a truth worth remembering.

Job knew this truth very well. Romans 8:28
And Jacob did as well. Romans 8:28
As did Joseph. Romans 8:28

But nobody knew it more than the Lord Jesus Christ! God took the most tragic event in human history (the death and crucifixion of the sinless Son of God) and turned it into a glorious triumph by raising Jesus from the dead! Romans 8:28

Have you seen “the invisible hand of God” in your life?

Sunday, June 21, 2020


Today is Father’s Day, June 21, 2020 and in America it is a time to remember our Dads. My father died the day after Thanksgiving in 1989 at the age of 66 and I vividly remember that day. I am so grateful that God placed me in that family and today I honor him. My Dad taught me a lot of things:

1.    The value of hard work.
2.    The importance of getting an education.
3.    The value of a budget and money.
4.    The way to take care of aging parents.
5.    How to love your wife.
6.    The significance of family and how to be a father.
7.    The priority of church.
8.    How to play ball and ride a bike.
9.    Importance of loving and serving your country.
10. Absolute value of knowing and serving Christ!

I could bore you with stories and details of all the above but I will spare you that! He was:

Auto mechanic. Civil servant. City Council. Mayor. President of South Carolina Municipal Association. Deacon. Sunday School Teacher. Sunday School Director. Employer. Brother. Son. Son in law. Brother in law. Soldier. Husband. Friend.

But most of all, he was a wonderful father. And … he embodied all that he taught. He lived and died a godly man. And today I simply say, “thank you, LORD” for James W. Blackwood, Sr.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


We know we are sinners. Big time sinners, right? We know that in a lifetime, we literally commit thousands of sins. Thousands and thousands. Sins of the flesh. Sins of the spirit. Sins of thought. Sins of actions. Sins of omission. Sins of commission. Hidden sins. Known sins. Sins everywhere!

All sins will be pardoned by Jesus Christ OR punished in Hell! If you are a true Christian and a believer in Jesus Christ you are forgiven of your sins because He, as our Substitute, has paid the redemptive price for our sins. But where do they go? What does God do with our sins?

Psalm 103:12 > “as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”

Isaiah 38:17 > “For you have cast all my sins behind your back.”

Micah 7:19 > “You have cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.”

Colossians 2:13-14 > “…having forgiven you all trespasses and nailed it to the cross.”

Hebrews 8:12 “… and their sins and their lawless deeds, I will remember no more.”

That is what God does with your sins! All of that removal of sins is based upon the redemptive merits of Jesus Christ alone! And that, my brothers and sisters, is another Hallelujah Truth!

Friday, June 19, 2020


Sin is a subject we do not talk about very much these days do we.?  We talk about shortcomings, missteps, mistakes and weaknesses. But sin is a problem. A BIG problem! The Bible and the Holy Spirit define sin.

Can you biblically define sin? Proverbs 19:12 asks “who can understand his errors?” We know that the Bible teaches the Bible teaches in I John 3:4 that
“sin is the transgression of the law.” We further know that sin is more than just an action that is confined to an outward deed. The very “thought of sin is foolishness” says Proverbs 24:9.

Sin is disobedience to God’s commandments and precepts.
Sin is shaking your fist in the face of God and shouting, “I will not do this!”
Sin is treason against the highest and holiest authority on the universe.
Sin is the bursting forth of pride and self-will.
Sin resists restraint.
Sin repudiates control.
Sin refuses to be under authority.
Sin resists any kind of rule.
Sin will not be under submission to God.
Sin casts off the Divine law and says “I will not obey.”

Sin is not so much what we do as it is what we are.
We are sinners.
Sinners sin.
Sinners love to sin. See John 8:24; Read Romans 3:10-18

But, thank God, Jesus loves sinners and came to give His life for His people.
He, as Man, never sinned. Not even once.
His sinlessness qualified Him to be our Substitute and Sacrifice.
Thank Jesus that He died only for sinners!  I Timothy 1:15.

Thursday, June 18, 2020


When we read about sin or even think about it we automatically become uncomfortable. It is our default setting. We don’t like the subject and would like to talk about a thousand other more pleasant things, hadn’t we? Because we believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins it is something we must discuss because it exalts and magnifies His grace.

There is nothing on earth as vile and wicked as sin! I John 3:8 says “he is commits sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sinned from the beginning.” Therefore, all sin is wicked and heinous. Sin has ruined our very nature. Let me tell you what sin has done to us:

Sin has completely ruined our nature.
Sin has brought us under the curse and judgment of God.
Sin is the source of all our miseries.
Sin has defiled your mind.
Sin has corrupted your will.
Sin has impacted your emotions.
Sin is the cause of every heartache.
Sin is the cause of every divorce.
Sin is the cause of every alcoholic and drug addict.
Sin is the cause of all wars.
Sin is the cause of every imprisonment.
Sin is the cause of all injustice.

Sin is why the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross. His very name, Jesus, means that “He will save His people from their sins.” See Matthew 1:21. Jesus died for sinners. And for that, I personally , am grateful.

(Read: Isaiah 3:22; Ezekiel 16:4,6 and 24:12; John 8:44; Romans 3:10-19 and 7:13;
II Timothy 2:17; Philippians 3:8; II Peter 2:22)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Little Sins and a Big God

Have you ever said something similar to this > “Yeah, I know, but it was just a little sin?” Just a little sin? Is there even such a thing? What is a little sin? There is no little sin because there is no little God to sin against! Every time we choose to sin, our sin is committed against an eternal, all wise, holy, immutable God. This God is a God of justice, wrath and mercy and grace. And He is great in all His attributes.

John Bunyan said this “no sin against God can be little because it is against the great God of heaven and earth; but if the sinner can find a little God, it may be easy to find little sins.” Our God is a holy God. Our Bible is called the Holy Bible. The Spirit within us is called the Holy Spirit. The heaven we want to go to is holy!

John Owen, the great Puritan, declares “he that has slight thoughts of sin, never had great thoughts of God.” Wrong views of sin lead to wrong views abut grace. It is important that everyone one understand the very nature of sin. Romans 6:23 “the wages of sin is death.”

Every sin we commit is ultimately against God.
Every sin brings guilt and need of forgiveness.
Every sin damages our fellowship with God.
Every sin is worthy of eternal damnation!

There is no such thing --- in the mind of God --- as little sins and big sins. There may be different earthly consequences for sins but all sins are an offense to the Lord God.

All sins can be covered only by the blood of Jesus Christ. That is why we pray. Why we Confess. Why we Forsake. Thank Him for forgiveness of our sins. I John 1:7 states that “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


My wife and I have been married for 53 years and counting. We have been blessed beyond measure and one of those blessings is five grandchildren: two boys and three girls. And each one is different. Very different. And no longer kids.

One has graduated from college and is working.
One will graduate from college in December.
One has entered the realm of blessed motherhood, is married and living in California. (And yes, that makes us great grandparents X one, so far = Little Evie)
One is working for Starbucks as a shift manager.
One is still seeking to find purpose and meaning in life.

All were loved and raised by Christian parents.
All were loved and they know and were taught the truth.
Some are living for God and some are not.

Proverbs 22:6 says clearly “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

God is sovereign.
They are responsible.
Where will their lives take them?
How will their life’s journey end?
Will it make me proud?
How can we make a difference?

My wife and I can PRAY for them every single day. Pray for Providence to intervene. For Wisdom to gain a foothold. For Grace to leave an indelible mark on their lives. For Mercy to be kind and longsuffering. For Christ to be real. And then, we must leave it at the foot of God’s Throne and say, “Your will, be done O Lord.”

Monday, June 15, 2020



Ever since George Floyd was brutally murdered by a white police officer we have heard cries for reform. Some are advocating for the defunding of police departments!
Which, by the way, is totally crazy. Law enforcement is an essential part of a civil society and greatly needed. There is no doubt that some law enforcement entities need reform. Recruitment of new officers is critical. Pay for officers should be increased immediately!  Training may need to be stepped up. Some budgets may need to be adjusted. Priorities may need to be re-visited. Community relationships need to be constantly improved. It is always a work in progress.

But do you want to know something? There are a lot of government agencies that stand in need of reformation. In fact, I dare say, that ALL governmental agencies are too fat - too many personnel, too many administrators, bloated allocated budgets, and misplaced priorities. Nepotism, prejudice, partisanship and fraud runs rampant all throughout government. But of all the institutions that need reformation, the U.S. Congress stands at the top of the list. Limited terms for the House and Senate members! This is an absolute must! Smaller staffs. Less benefits and less pay. No special perks in their healthcare. Less budget for pet projects. Eliminate all lobbyists. Reform this institution and other reforms will follow.

Government agencies stand in need of reform because they are filled with godless people. (Not all are godless, but many certainly are) People are sinners who need a new heart. They need to be born again. They need a new perspective and that can only come from God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Only He can bring about real and lasting and difference-making reformation! (John 3:3,7 and I Corinthians 5:17). Real reform starts with us – me and you!

Sunday, June 14, 2020


The Church of Jesus Christ is as precious to God as a new born baby is to first time parents. New parents exhibit a pride and a joy that is almost inexpressible. They love that new baby! That is the way the Lord feels about His church.

Christians may become dismayed at the many faceted trials of the Church. We may face internal corruption, doctrinal error, governmental persecution, and the multiplication of various sects but we rest our hopes upon the providence of God! The church is like “a ship at sea, endangered by waves and winds, but Divine Providence sits at the helm and will powerfully guide and preserve it until it reaches its destination.” (Matthew 16:18)

God is the Captain of the Old Ship of Zion and He is working out His eternal plan and all things will ultimately reveal His glory and demonstrate the tremendous grace shown to His people through His Son.

Jonathan Edwards, America’s greatest theologian, said in a book called The History of Redemption, observed:

            “all the lines of providence meet in one center, all the rivers
            and crooked streams of providence pour into one ocean and
            that ocean is CHRIST.”

Therefore, those who share in Christ’s kingdom and are joint heirs with Him and partakers of His redemption, may rejoice that all things are theirs > present, past and future! (See I Corinthians 3:21)

Abraham knew this well. In fact, when the LORD met his need, he named the place after the Lord. He named the place: Jehovah Jireh = on this mount, in this place the LORD will provide. That is our subject for this Lord’s Day!

Saturday, June 13, 2020


In 1973 Dr. Karl Menninger wrote a book entitled Whatever Became of Sin? In that book he discusses the relevancy of sin for every generation and its manifestations everywhere. Do you ever stop and realize the sinfulness of the age in which we live? Sin is a word that many people, especially religious people, would eliminate not only from our vocabularies but also from our pulpits! The only thing that is crazier than defunding the police is ridding our pulpits of the subject of sin!

Sin is important to the Gospel because the Lord Jesus Christ died for sin. There can be no proclamation of the Gospel without some discussion of the subject of sin. I know it is not vogue and considered old fashioned but sin can and must be considered. Maybe that is why the world doesn’t like to talk much about Jesus!

We are a people who love sin as much as we Southerners love sweet tea!
We love sin as much as we love homemade ice cream and we love it in all its many flavors.
We love sin because we think it brings us permanent pleasure but it is always temporary.
We love sin because sin promises far more than it ever delivers.
Sin deceives all of us.
Sin condemns us and damns us to an eternal Hell!

To deny sin is to deny one of the most basic truths of the Bible. We cannot and must not make light of sin. We cannot skirt the issue. We cannot put a mask on it and call it something else. Therefore, we cannot avoid it!

Man has a problem > sin!
And only God has a solution > Jesus Christ.

One of the worst sins is our refusal to tell men that they are sinners. We must tell the world – our families, our friends and our neighbors that they need Jesus Christ because He is the only one who can pay their sin debt!

Friday, June 12, 2020


Sin is more important than you think. You tell me what you think about sin; you tell me how you define sin and ... I will tell you

            What you think of God
            What you think of Christ
            What you think of the Scriptures
            What you think of the Holy Spirit
            What you think of God’s Law
            What you think of the blessed Gospel
            And what you think of Truth!

Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and come short of the glory pf God.”

A person who views sin as a mere trifle or some misguided deed or perhaps a minor misfortune will never see any need for sincere repentance or the need for a great atonement. Jeremiah 17:9 says that “man’s heart is desperately wicked; who can know it?” That is one reason we see fewer conversions in the Church today. No conviction = no repentance = no salvation!

A person who sees no sin in himself will never see the need for a Savior. If you are never conscious of the evil in your own heart, you will never see the need for conversion and a new heart. And the real truth is this: no person ever thought themselves a greater sinner before God than he/she really was!

All sin is ultimately directed against the infinite God Himself. He is our Maker, Creator, Sustainer, Father and our Judge. He is glorious in holiness, fearful in praises and does great and mighty things. He is the Great benefactor of all good things and blessings that come our way. To sin against God is the ultimate insult. If sin had its own way, it would dethrone God!

If we saw our sins as the Bible depicts it, we would run to the Savior!

Thursday, June 11, 2020


When the Lord Jesus Christ calls you to follow Him, that call is an enlistment is His army. We are called to be soldiers of the cross. Look in II Timothy 2:3-4:

“You must therefore endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who enlisted him as a soldier.”

If you are a true believer, you are a soldier! Our Commander in Chief is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Soldiers are given orders, assignments and are expected to follow, to obey, to complete the assignment. In our Wednesday night Bible Study from Psalm 100 we studied the various orders given to us by the Lord.

Psalm 100 says we are to:

MAKE a joyful shout to the LORD
SERVE the Lord with gladness
COME before His presence with singing
KNOW that the LORD is God
ENTER His gates with thanksgiving
BE THANKFUL unto Him and
BLESS His name

Action verbs! Commands! And good soldiers obey!

Why! Because He is good!
And His truth endures forever!

What kind of soldier are you?

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


One of the life principles that my Dad taught me was this. He said, “son, if you do it right the first time, then you will never have to do it again.” It took me awhile but I have tried to incorporate that truth into my life. It is certainly true when it comes to service and ministry to God.

We live in a world that prides itself in the importance of efficiency. Technology has enabled us to do certain things with speed and analysis and tremendous efficiency. Peter Drucker, a world-famous management consultant, says there is a difference between efficiency and effectiveness.

“Efficiency” is doing things right.
“Effectiveness” is doing the right thing.
Consequently, there is a difference between doings things right and doing the right things. Let me further explain.

The more efficiently we do the wrong things, the worse off we become. It would be much better to do the right thing inefficiently than to do the wrong thing efficiently. The goal, however, is to do the right things, right --- the first time!

My Dad never knew Peter Drucker and Peter Drucker did not know my Dad. But my Dad was just as smart as Mr. Drucker. Neither were as smart as the God who said in Micah 6:8:

“He has shown thee, O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you,
To do justly, love mercy and walk humbly before thy God.”

Do the right thing right --- the first time!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020



The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13. In the prayer, you should note that the glory of God the Father comes before the needs of man.
 Remember the words:

“Our Father, who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
On earth, as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory
Forever and ever.

You cannot call God “your” Father if:

You live in selfish indulgence.
You live like a child of the Devil instead.
You are not laying up treasure in heaven.
You are not seeking to hallow His name.
You are not working to hasten the Kingdom.
You are living in willful disobedience to His word.
You are not serving Him in the here and now.
You are not working for your daily bread.
You are unwilling to forgive all others.
You consistently place yourself in the path of sin.
You are not honoring Him as King!
You are not living for His glory and power.

We hear a lot about the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. God is the Creator of all men but not all men can call Him “Father.” That is reserved for only those who come to Him through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus told a group of religious people on one occasion that their father was the Devil. (See John 8:44)

Monday, June 8, 2020


II Timothy 2:15 states “study to show thyself approved unto God, a worker that needs not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the word of truth.”

We live in age of lightning fast speed! We want it fast and furious and we want it now. Journalists and Publishers have figured out that most people will read only the headlines while they bury the details of the article 3-4 paragraphs down in the article. They know that most people will not read that far. We want our news in a headline summation. We want the things we order from Amazon today or tomorrow! Not a week from now. Same way with spiritual truth. Most of our spiritual heartaches come from being Biblical headline readers only.

We treat the Bible the same way. God and spiritual reality are deep and mysterious subjects. To study it seriously means that you must enter a different and more rarified atmosphere where few would dare trod. We do not want to think... very much. We detest intellectual struggles. Just give me the headlines, Preacher-man. That is all I want and all I need!

Serious Bible students, interested God seekers, committed Christ followers, and all Church builders must do more than read the Biblical headlines. We must dig deep and often into the Word of God. You will be glad you did! Daily in the Bible. And Bi-weekly on Wednesday night and every Sunday.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


To worship God is the greatest privilege that man has been given. It means “to ascribe worth, and honor and dignity” to the Lord God Himself. It means to honor His goodness and grace and mercy. Worship is the giving of thanks for all His abundant blessings on us. Worship is saying “Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.”

God alone is worthy of such worship and that is because of Who He is. He is our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer and Judge. He keeps us and preserves us and causes the sun to rise every single day. He gives good gifts to His children!

Worship is not something believers do just on Sunday. Worship is something you should do every day. It is taking time to think and pray and say to the Lord, “Father, I worship you today. I honor you. I magnify you in all that I do.”

Worship is not merely a thought; it is an act.
It is an action, an ongoing activity.
It is something you do!
It involves your mind, your emotions and your will.
It involves the whole person.

Today is Sunday --- known by believers as the Lord’s Day. It is a day whereby we gather together as believers to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the greatness of our God! Believers all over the world will do that today! And I hope that you will be one of them.

Revelation 4:11 states:
            “You are worthy, O Lord
            to receive glory and honor and power
            for You created all things
            and by your will they exist and were created.”