Monday, June 22, 2020


Yesterday during Sunday’s worship service, we opened our Bibles and studied Romans 8:28 which says “and we know that all things work together for good, to those who love God and are the called according to his purpose.” This is a profound truth.

Note what it does not say:

It does not say that all things that happen to us are good.
For they certainly are not.
It does not imply that life is all chocolates and roses.
Life can be cold and bitter at times.
It does not say that life is easy-peasy.
Cross-bearing can be very difficult.

It DOES TEACH that God is so great that He can take the bad things, even the evil things, the tragic things – all things --- and use them for our good and His glory! Nobody but a great God can do that. God is so great and powerful and majestic that He alone can turn darkness into light and evil into good and tragedy into triumph! That is a truth worth remembering.

Job knew this truth very well. Romans 8:28
And Jacob did as well. Romans 8:28
As did Joseph. Romans 8:28

But nobody knew it more than the Lord Jesus Christ! God took the most tragic event in human history (the death and crucifixion of the sinless Son of God) and turned it into a glorious triumph by raising Jesus from the dead! Romans 8:28

Have you seen “the invisible hand of God” in your life?

1 comment:

  1. A favorite encouraging verse! There is ALWAYS a reason. ALWAYS part of His good & perfect plan (even when it hurts or I don't like it)!
