Thursday, June 4, 2020


Very few people get excited about taking exams. Maybe a few nerds here and there, but generally speaking, this is universally true. When I was in high school, college and seminary --- I always dreaded taking exams. Exams made me anxious and nervous but it also motivated me to study harder. It inspired me to strive to do my best because I knew my future depended on it.

I have learned that exams are necessary for all of life. If you want to be a general building contractor, you have to take an exam and get a license. If you want to be a lawyer, you cannot just hang a sign out front and start practicing law. You need to attend and graduate from law school and pass the bar exams. Then, and only then can you practice law.

As we age, we need certain physical exams --- dental exams, eye exams. Every year it seems that some doctor wants me to have some kind of “oscopy.” Many of you know exactly what I mean. Exams, seemingly, never go away. They are always lurking in the shadows.

I have come to realize that exams are GOOD things and serve to protect us and prolong our lives and make our lives better. They help us properly evaluate the reality of the present and the prospects for the future.

Same way with our spiritual lives! II Corinthians 13:5 says. “examine yourselves as to whether or not you are in the faith.” You examine you. I examine me. All because one day, the Lord will examine us! See Matthew 7:24-27 and see II Corinthians 5:10. That is the biggest exam you will ever have. It will be thorough and complete and correct! Make sure you can pass it!

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