It actually is not that easy. It is hard and challenging and difficult.
It is a lifelong commitment.
It requires stamina. Determination. Perseverance.
And Jesus possesses all of those traits!
Matthew 7:13-14 = the road is narrow, confined, restricted.
And few, Jesus said, choose that way.
In Mark 10:17-25 = the rich young ruler turned and walked away from the challenging commands of Jesus. He thought it was easy. He thought wrong and went away, sad, grieved, stunned and devastated! He lacked the one thing he needed most. Jesus didn’t use the A,B, Cs of salvation. He didn’t take the young man down the Roman Road of salvation.
In Luke 14:16-18 = feast table was set and many were invited to a free meal. But nobody came. Too busy. Too preoccupied with other things. More interested in land, animals and relationships than Jesus. Like many today!
A final proof is found in Luke 14:33 where Jesus proclaimed that if you do not forsake all that you have, you cannot be His disciple!
You tell me: is it easy to become a real Christian? Follow Christ?
“When We See Christ”