Sunday, February 28, 2021



Jesus as our mediator fulfills a threefold office of a prophet, priest and king. We can separate these for the sake of discussion but they cannot be separated from reality. I Timothy 2:5 says that “there is one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…”

A prophet is someone who speaks forth the Word of God, someone who speaks for God. And Jesus Christ is that person. As a prophet, He reveals to us, by His Spirit and His Word, the very will of God for our lives. He alone imparts all true knowledge of God and enables us to receive it. If you want to know what God thinks about something, then look to Jesus!

John 1 states unequivocally that Jesus is the Word of God. He declares that word in a personal and intimate manner. If you want to know what God says about salvation, heaven, hell, prayer, finances, and relationships --- then look to Jesus who brings us the Word of God!

All the sacred repository of truth is found in Christ alone. 

He is the sum and substance of all truth. 

He is at the center of every truth. 

He embodies truth. He is the truth! 

See John 1:1-18; 14:6 and 18:37!

Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know 

Saturday, February 27, 2021



Hope can mean several different things:

  • It means to anticipate with pleasure.

  • To possess favorable and confident expectations.

  • To look forward with assurance.

We live in a world that needs hope. Many are waffling around in a cosmos filled with selfishness and greed.. Seared by unbelief and rebellion. And locked in the chains of sin and darkness.

That is why Biblical hope is always associated with the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ! He alone possesses wisdom and power and righteousness. He alone can rescue and deliver us. He alone offers forgiveness of sin. He alone provides comfort and peace.

Jesus came to bleed and suffer and die on a Roman cross and forgive the sins of His people. He came to rescue the perishing and heal the brokenhearted. He came to give hope to all those in despair.

It was Corrie Ten Boom who said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”

In what is your hope?

Better yet, in whom is your hope?

Mine is in Jesus Christ!

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”

Friday, February 26, 2021


Many Christians today are what I would call one horse Christians. That is to say that the only Biblical truth in which they are interested is the second coming of Jesus Christ. They want to know all the signs. Some have even set dates. Mark of the beast. 6 6 6. Man of lawlessness in II Thessalonians. Tell us, Preacher Man, when is Jesus coming again? 

They are not interested in the doctrine of the church, corporate worship, discipleship, development of spiritual gifts, spiritual growth and missions. Could care even less about stewardship and the future. All they care about is this: when is Jesus coming again?

That is a one horse Christian!

The disciples themselves were interested in this subject and asked Jesus one day about it. If you want to know about the Second Coming, then you must read Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Then read next the first book of Thessalonians, chapter 4 and II Thessalonians chapter 2. Next take on I Corinthians 15. Then try II Peter 3. And finally, read and study the 22 chapters in Revelation and get back to me and let me know what you think. Reconcile all those passages. Then, correlate all those verses with any Old Testament passages and then try to explain it. Study all the signs. And get back to me.

Before you go to all that trouble, I share two simple verses. In fact, they are the words of Jesus Himself. Listen to them very, very carefully.

Matthew 24:36 “But concerning that day and hour, NO ONE KNOWS, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”

Matthew 24:44 “Therefore, be ye also ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

Read Acts 1:6-7! "It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has fixed ..."

Nobody knows. But the Father!

You need to be ready!

“What A Day That Will Be”

Thursday, February 25, 2021



Jesus was born in Bethlehem

He died at Calvary. 

He was raised from the dead on the third day.

He ascended into heaven. 

And He was seated at the right hand of majesty on high.

Basic Bible truths.

Some good related passages to read are Romans 8:34 and I Peter 3:21-22 and Hebrews 1:1-3.

The role of a mediator was three fold: prophet, priest and king. We must remember that Jesus is not seated in glory merely as our King; but He is forever our prophet and priest. As a prophet, He sent His Spirit to guide us and teach us and empower us (John 14:26 and 16:7-15). The completed Scriptures are the result of Christ’s prophetic ministry in heaven.

As a priest He was seated because His work of sacrifice was done. The offering and sacrifice has been made but He now lives forever to make intercession for His people. Jesus Christ, right now, is your advocate and intercessor. Read Hebrews 7:25 and I John  2:1-2.

As king, He must reign until all His enemies are put under His feet. (I Corinthians 15:25). And then the end shall come. As Philippians 2:9-11 declares that “every knee will bow, every tongue will confess, those in heaven, those on earth and even those in Hell, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

There will always be a connection between His death, resurrection, ascension and enthronement as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! That is where our home and citizenship are!

“In Christ Alone”

Wednesday, February 24, 2021



The Resurrection of Christ can hardly be overstated as to its importance to the Chrsitain faith. It is the bedrock upon which all other doctrines are founded! Paul said in I Corinthians 15:14-19 that if Christ is not raised then our preaching and our faith is futile and we are still in our sins. But the testimony of the Bible and history and eyewitnesses is that Jesus is alive and that He did rise from the dead!

The Resurrection proved that Jesus was who He said He was.

It validated His claims as a teacher sent from God.

It corroborated His claims to be the very Son of the living God!

He did what He said He would do.

The Resurrection was proof that Jesus was indeed God in the flesh!

The Resurrection was the Triune God’s “amen” to the person and work of Christ.

God the Father says Amen.

God the Son says Amen.

God the Holy Spirit says Amen.

Had the Romans and Jews and all the Christ-haters wanted to stop the spread of Christianity, all they would have had to do was to take the dead body of Jesus and throw Him in the street and say “there is your Messiah.” Dead man, not walking. But why couldn't they do that? Because the dead body of Jesus was gone. Jesus was raised from the dead to live forevermore!

So said the angels, the disciples, Apostle Paul and hundreds of others.

So says the history of the Church.

So says thousands of martyrs.

So says the Bible.

And so says me. This Jesus has changed my life and lives in my heart!

“I’ve Just Seen Jesus”

Tuesday, February 23, 2021



I love the old hymns that we still sometimes sing in church. One such hymn is “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross” written by Fanny J. Crosby in 1869. Please note the year, circa 1869. That is not a typo. The words to the chorus go like this:

“In the cross, in the cross

Be my glory ever

Till my ransomed soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.”

That song speaks to my heart every time I hear it. Why?

Because it is filled with Biblical truth about the importance of the death of Christ. The death of Jesus Christ is THE event that saves people from their sins. It is the Cross that enables us to be forgiven of our sins. The Cross is at the very heart of our redemption.

A couple weeks ago we studied the attributes of God. Remember? We talked about grace, mercy, holiness, power of God, justice and wrath, etc. If you want to know God, study the cross. For there, on that Cross, you will see every attribute of God displayed in live and living color.

Ephesians 5:2 describes Christ's death as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Jesus went willingly and joyfully to that old rugged cross and His obedience was pleasing to God. If you do not see the wisdom, goodness, grace, mercy, love, holiness and wrath of God in the Cross, you will never see it in this life and you will never understand those attributes.

Thank God today for the vicarious, substitutionary, sacrificial death of Jesus on that Cross!

Yes, Jesus, keep me near the cross!

“Near the Cross”

Monday, February 22, 2021



When Jesus Christ lived on this earth for some thirty three years, He never sinned. He never broke any of God’s commandments. He never trespassed any law. He was obedient to every single thing the Father asked Him to do. Most people think that He lived a perfect, sinless life because He was God. Oh no, He set aside, temporarily, some of those attributes of divinity that were incompatible with His humanity. (See Philippians 2:5-11)

The life He lived in total obedience was a life lived in His humanity under the control, direction and power of the Holy Spirit. But all of that begs the more important question: why is the perfect, sinless life of Jesus so important? Who really cares? Why make such a big deal about this? Glad you asked!

His perfect, sinless life qualified Him to be our Sacrifice, our Substitute. We have broken God’s law. We have trespassed God’s commandments. Those who break the law, those who are disobedient, come under the guilt, curse and condemnation of the broken law and deserve nothing but death! The law says you and I should die because of our disobedience!

That law, which was broken by us, must be satisfied.

Its righteous demands must be met.

The broken law incurs upon us a debt that we cannot pay.

Justice must be rendered. Somebody must pay for breaking that law.

His perfect human life qualified Him to be the One who could pay the price!

Jesus paid the price for our breaking the law of God.

All sins will be pardoned in Christ or punished in Hell.

Because Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, we are redeemed!  (I Peter 1:19-21)

“Jesus, Messiah” Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Sunday, February 21, 2021



As you study the person and work of the ministry of Jesus Christ as found in Holy Scripture you discover very quickly that His ministry was filled with miracles. The kind of stuff that only supernatural power can do. Jesus was a great teacher but He also was a tremendous miracle worker. He performed lots of miracles in His life. Why? How?

Why can we not do that today like He did?

Why can’t I do those same kinds of miracles?

Ever traveled far down that road?

The miracles that Jesus performed were done in order to authenticate His ministry.

Done to corroborate His words and teaching.

They validated that He was ... who He said He was.

They substantiated all His claims that He was God’s very own Son.

They proved that He was the Son of the living God.

Jesus fed the hungry. Matthew 14:22-31

Jesus gave sight to the blind. John 9

Jesus healed the diseased. Mark 8:1-4

Jesus cast out demons. Mark 9:14-29

Jesus raised the dead! John 11

All these miracles were mere child’s play for the One who created the universe out of nothing and who sustains the world by His omnipotent hand. His greatest miracle is still the miracle of the new birth, of raising someone who is spiritually dead and infusing them with spiritual life to become a new creation in Christ!

“Worthy Is The Lamb”

Saturday, February 20, 2021




As He breathed His last, the heart of Jesus turned to His Father and he said, “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” Luke 23:46. These words were His last words from the Cross and they were full of faith and comfort. 

The Bible teaches that at death, our spirits go immediately into the presence of the Lord. Your physical body dies but your spirit enters God’s very presence. We see this truth in II Corinthians 5:8 and in Philippians 1:20-21. And here we see it demonstrated in the very life of Christ.

He had previously said in John 10:17-18 that He lays His life down willingly, voluntarily. He has power to lay it down and He has power to raise it up. Here, He willingly commits His spirit to His Father, fully believing that He will be raised from the dead!

Hebrews 9:24 says that Jesus offered up His spirit by the power of the Holy Spirit. There was no safer place for Christ to commend Himself than into the hands of His loving Father. Nobody took His life. Nobody snatched His spirit. All of this was orchestrated by a sovereign God.

Under tremendous physical pain and emotional distress Jesus demonstrated His own faith in His Father. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all could die in such faith? I want that kind of faith and I hope that you do, too. To God alone be the glory!

Enjoy this hymn medley.

Friday, February 19, 2021



I have always appreciated and admired people who were given an assignment, and then they completed that assignment on time and did it very well. They were responsible. They were great at time management. They were able to get the job done. And they did it completely! There are very, very few people like that today!

In John 19:30, hanging on the Cross, Jesus cried out “It is finished!” What was finished? What was done? What was completed? He had finished all the work that the Father had given Him to do. See John 17:4. His mission was complete. His assignment had been carried out. On time and in a tremendous way! The work of our salvation was finished.

Jesus had done everything that was asked of Him. 

He had kept the Law perfectly.

He had obeyed it freely.

He went to the Cross willingly.

He paid our sin debt.

He reconciled us to God.

He incurred our guilt and condemnation.

He suffered the wrath of God for our sins!

He brought honor to the Father who enabled Him to do it. He brought honor to the Spirit who empowered Him to complete His assignment. And He did it all with joy!  Hebrews 12:1-2

At the Cross, God laid on Him our iniquity and transferred our sins to Him. And He transferred the righteousness of Christ to us. Our sins are no longer ours to pay for. It is paid. It is done. It is finished. The transaction is complete. Mission accomplished! (II Corinthians 5:19-21)

Song: It is Finished

Thursday, February 18, 2021



Few of us have never been really thirsty. How long have you ever gone without anything to drink? I thought so… These words of Christ actually express His physical suffering. He had been up all night; beaten and dragged through the streets and exposed to all kinds of treatment.

And now, He was thirsty. It is ironic, is it not,  that the One who created the oceans and made all the rivers and all the springs of water, is the One who actually said, “I thirst?” (John 19:28). There is no doubt that His dehydration was very intense. And we now know what dehydration alone can do to the human body. All He had to do was to command the clouds to send rain and He could have had water. 

This thirst was more than just a physical and natural thirst. It went way beyond that. It was a spiritual thirst. We are not forsaken in our thirst because he was forsaken in His.

Charles Spurgeon said:

“Our Lord endured thirst to an extreme degree, for it was the thirst of death that was upon Him, and more, it was the thirst of one whose death was not a common one, for He tasted death for every man. (Hebrews 2:9) It was the cup of wrath, God’s wrath, that He drank and Hell was in it. He drank every drop until there was not a dreg left for any of His people."

Ernie Haase & Signature Sound - I Thirst [Live] 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021



In Matthew 27:46, we find these words, “Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani” which mean and are translated, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Only one person has ever understood those words and that is Christ Himself! Jesus experienced many emotions that day but these are the most profound.

I readily admit that I cannot fully grasp the full and comprehensive meaning of those words but I do know that those are the words of someone who felt abandoned and the withdrawal of the presence of God’s favor, presence and blessing. Prior to His death, everything that Jesus did He was totally dependent upon His Father. Everything He said. Every prayer He prayed. Every miracle He performed. He had full and total faith in the doing of His Father's will. Jesus had always called God “Father” until this moment. 

This was different. Really different. It was a new experience for Christ Himself. It was a cry of Psalm 22:1 --- similar to the shrieks of those who are cast off forever. Those were cries and tears that Jesus had not known before. He had only known the delight and approval of the Father before --- but now on that Cross, He experienced our condemnation, our guilt, judgment, our hell. He was our sacrifice and our substitute!

And why? Because of the love and grace and mercy of God. So God could be just and the Justifier of the ungodly! BTW, the withdrawal of His presence did not mean that the Father stopped loving the Son. But rather, the Father took great delight in the obedience of His Son in order to obtain our salvation, The fulfillment of a covenant promise!

“Jesus Paid It All”

Tuesday, February 16, 2021



We are discussing the seven sayings or seven words that Jesus uttered on the Cross. These words are found in John 19:27 when Jesus looked at the disciple John and said, “behold your mother.” No doubt that by this time Mary was widowed and without income and possibly struggling. The Bible doesn’t say that his earthly father Joseph was dead but I would assume that had he been alive, he would have been at the Cross! Pure speculation. No chapter and verse. We are merely trying to add some different insight to the seven sayings.

Nevertheless, Jesus asked his beloved disciple, the Apostle John, to take care of his mother after his death. Can you even imagine the thoughts and agony that was running through Mary as she witnessed the crucifixion of her son? Parents should never have to bury their children, much less, watch them exposed to such a cruel and horrible death! 

The important thing about these words is that Jesus kept the fifth commandment and honored His parents on His own deathbed. He did not forget to fulfill every aspect of the law, even in His death. If Christ had not uttered these words from the cross, if He had not entrusted the care of His mother to John, could His death have been ineffectual and we would be in hell because Jesus failed to keep the law in this one point? Jesus kept God’s law --- in every way --- in His life and His death! Something to think about, isn’t it?

Sweet, Beulah Land (the Petersens)

Monday, February 15, 2021



The second of the seven sayings of Jesus on the cross is found in Luke 23:42-43. Jesus was crucified between two criminals and one of them turned to Him and said, “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And our Lord said to that criminal, TODAY, you shall be with me in Paradise.” 

No sooner had Christ prayed “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”, than the Father started answering it ... by turning a criminal into a saved sinner on his way to paradise.

“Today --- when you breathe your last breath, your spirit shall go with me into paradise.”

When we die physically, our spirits immediately go into the presence of the Lord.  Read II Corinthians 5:8 and Philippians 1:21. Our bodies are placed in the ground (Or the urn if you prefer) until the great day of Resurrection. On that day those bodies will be raised and joined together with our spirits and given an eternal, glorious body!

The conversion of this one criminal testifies to the power of Christ's prayer and the grace of God. It also shows that Church membership doesn’t save you. It shows that Baptism doesn’t save you. Only Jesus saves. His name “Jesus” means that He shall save His people from their sins.

Christ is always willing to save the vilest of all sinners, the most miserable of all sinners. He saved the Apostle Paul who was the chief of sinners. Surely He can save someone like you!

At The Cross

Sunday, February 14, 2021



The greatest mercy that we can ever receive from the hand of God is the forgiveness of sin! Every other mercy is a form of judgment if not accompanied by such pardon and grace. In Luke 23:34, Jesus prayed, “ Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

This was not an intercessory prayer for family and friends and all those who loved Him. This was not a “cum bah yah” moment. It was a prayer for people who hated Him. For those who had spat upon Him. For those who mocked Him. For those who scorned Him. For those who nailed Him to that cross.

They crucified Him in ignorance and unbelief. Yet he desired the very best for the very worst and was most loving while He was most hated! Can you even imagine such mercy?

Jesus asked His Father to forgive them. Did the Father answer that prayer? Forty days later at Pentecost the book of Acts says that thousands were saved and His prayer was answered. Many repented and were commanded to believe and were baptized. His prayer on the cross was efficacious, effective, answered.

Can you pray that prayer for those who are your enemies?

Do you pray that prayer for those who like you least?

Jesus prayed this prayer for people like you and me. John 17:20-26

“The Love of God”

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Last Words of Jesus


A man’s last words, provided he is in his right mind, usually will provide us with insight into the man’s character and life. Paul the Apostle, wasting away in a Roman prison cell, uttered these words:

“I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith; therefore, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all those who have loved His appearing.” 

                                                                                                                 II Timothy 4:6-8

Utterly profound!

When Jesus Christ was dying on the cross, He also spoke and did so in a glorious manner. Three of His sayings were directed to His Father and four of His sayings were directed to others. Hanging on that cross, with life ebbing from His body, with blood dripping onto the cursed earth, amidst all the jeering and scorn and laughter and glee --- the Son of God spoke words so mighty and majestic that they should cause us to say “Truly, this man was the Son of God.” Mark 15:39

Jesus had this to say about His own words:

“The words that I have spoken to you; they are spirit and they are life.” John 6:63

“For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has Himself given me a commandment --- what to say and what to speak. And I know that this commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me.”  John 12:49-50

Dying words from the Son of God. Hanging on the cross. Those seven words or sayings will be the subject of our next seven days!

“Go, Rest High on that Mountain”

Friday, February 12, 2021

Redemption and Adoption


Adoption is a distinct part of the eternal plan of redemption and carries with it distinct blessings and privileges. How is adoption different from regeneration? Different from justification? Related to redemption? Glad you asked.

Redemption is a comprehensive term. It has to do with regeneration, conversion, repentance, faith, predestination, election, justification, sanctification and glorification. Some people, without thinking, just lump adoption into the aspect of justification or simply believe that it is a blessing from regeneration. It is much more than that! Please read the following carefully.

Justification means that our acceptance before God as righteous ones and the bestowal of the title to eternal life. Justification is totally based on the merits of Christ alone.Justification is something that God does; it is a pronouncement by the Lord. He declares that we are righteous. See Romans 3:21-26

Regeneration is the renewing of our hearts, the impartation of spiritual life whereby we can ultimately be conformed to the image of God. We are made new creatures and now can understand and see Biblical truth. New life is breathed into spiritually dead people.

But these blessings in themselves, however precious they are, do not indicate what is conferred by the blessing of adoption. By adoption, the redeemed become sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty; we are introduced into and given all the privileges of God’s family. Neither justification nor regeneration precisely expresses that. John 1:12 reinforces that particular truth.

A foster father can give the foster children gifts but legally he cannot confer on them his name. A male friend may give a fatherless child some money but he cannot confer on that child -- legally -- his name. He does not possess the legal right to do so. God gives us gifts and blessings and promises and wealth AND changes our name because He has the right and authority to do so!

“I’m a child of the King, a child of the King

With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King”

“Hush-a-by” by the Gettys

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Adoption, Regeneration & Justification


There is more to be said about adoption and the relation of adoption to other acts of grace. It is an act of grace that transfers us into God’s family. This is an apex and privilege and we would dare not claim it for ourselves without the revelation of God’s truth and subsequent assurance. I want to mention four perspectives we need with this trifecta of relationships. 

Though adoption is distinct from regeneration and justification, it is really never separable from those truths.  The one who is regenerated is made a son of God. The person who is justified is always the recipient of sonship.

Adoption is similar to justification in that it is a judicial act. Adoption is the bestowal of a changed status or standing, not the regenerating of new life within. It is concerned with a new relationship. And we can now recognize and cultivate that new relationship. 

Those who are adopted into God’s family are also given the Spirit of adoption whereby they not only recognize their newfound sonship but can exercise the privileges that go with it. Galatians 4:6 and Romans 8:15-16

There is a close relationship between adoption and regeneration. In a human family there are only two ways to become a member. By birth and by adoption. We become members of God’s family not by physical birth but by spiritual birth AND by adoption. We are born again and we are adopted. We get a double dose. Just for good measure.

“ I’m A Child of the King” by the Gaither Vocal Band

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Eternal Adoption


There are many wonderful truths related to adoption. One of those great aspects is this. God determined before time that He would choose you. You didn’t choose Him; He chose you! (John 15:16) That means it is eternal. What God has determined to do in time --- He has determined in eternity. Think about that for a second. God didn’t just see you walking down the street and decide to make you a member of His family. Oh no, He made that determination in time past, in eternity past.

All things that God has chosen to do in time is done --- because He has determined it in eternity.

Therefore, His choice of you to be a member of His family was not a willy, nilly kind of thing. It was part and parcel of the great eternal plan of God.

Why do I believe that?

Romans 8:28-30

Ephesians 1:4-6, 11

II Timothy 1:9-10

Why get so excited about eternal adoption? Because eternal means just that.

Eternity past.

Eternity present.

And, watch it now, eternity future!

I will ALWAYS be a member of God’s family!

I will never lose my rights and privileges.

I will never lose my inheritance.

I will always be a precious child of God!

Most importantly, God will ALWAYS be my Father!

“When Love Takes You In”