Monday, February 22, 2021



When Jesus Christ lived on this earth for some thirty three years, He never sinned. He never broke any of God’s commandments. He never trespassed any law. He was obedient to every single thing the Father asked Him to do. Most people think that He lived a perfect, sinless life because He was God. Oh no, He set aside, temporarily, some of those attributes of divinity that were incompatible with His humanity. (See Philippians 2:5-11)

The life He lived in total obedience was a life lived in His humanity under the control, direction and power of the Holy Spirit. But all of that begs the more important question: why is the perfect, sinless life of Jesus so important? Who really cares? Why make such a big deal about this? Glad you asked!

His perfect, sinless life qualified Him to be our Sacrifice, our Substitute. We have broken God’s law. We have trespassed God’s commandments. Those who break the law, those who are disobedient, come under the guilt, curse and condemnation of the broken law and deserve nothing but death! The law says you and I should die because of our disobedience!

That law, which was broken by us, must be satisfied.

Its righteous demands must be met.

The broken law incurs upon us a debt that we cannot pay.

Justice must be rendered. Somebody must pay for breaking that law.

His perfect human life qualified Him to be the One who could pay the price!

Jesus paid the price for our breaking the law of God.

All sins will be pardoned in Christ or punished in Hell.

Because Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, we are redeemed!  (I Peter 1:19-21)

“Jesus, Messiah” Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

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