Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Proofs of Adoption


Adoption is a blessed and wonderful subject and needs to be rediscovered and appreciated. To really grasp its meaning one must be somewhat familiar with the Scriptures that speak of it. Some of those passages are found in:

Romans 9:4

Romans 8:15, 23

Galatians 4:4-5

Ephesians 1:5

The root meaning of the word simply means “the placing of a son.” It is the transfer of one person from one family into the sphere of a different family. Adoption is the judicial act of God whereby He confers on us the status or standing of children. That is its real meaning. 

A question that concerns some people when discussing adoption is how we can know that we have been adopted into God’s family? What and where are the proofs?

There is Scriptural proof as seen in Galatians 3:26 and I Peter 1:3-6. It is for all who believe in Christ. 

There is further assurance seen in Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:5. You can be assured of the fact that you have received the adoption because you know that the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you. We have His testimony with our spirits that we are children of God. It is absolute proof that we have received the adoption.

A final proof is Paul’s argument seen in Romans 8:14 that says “as many as are led by the Spirit of God , these are the sons of God.” He doesn’t say that “as many who go to church once a month, they are the children of God.”  “As many who are actively acting as peacemakers or loving their enemies …  that these are the children of God.”  It is those who subject themselves to His leading and who rejoice in being led by Him. Those are the true sons of God! 

There is Scriptural proof.

There is proof of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you.

There is proof in being led by the Spirit.

What proof is there in your life?

“Change My Heart, O God


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