Thursday, February 11, 2021

Adoption, Regeneration & Justification


There is more to be said about adoption and the relation of adoption to other acts of grace. It is an act of grace that transfers us into God’s family. This is an apex and privilege and we would dare not claim it for ourselves without the revelation of God’s truth and subsequent assurance. I want to mention four perspectives we need with this trifecta of relationships. 

Though adoption is distinct from regeneration and justification, it is really never separable from those truths.  The one who is regenerated is made a son of God. The person who is justified is always the recipient of sonship.

Adoption is similar to justification in that it is a judicial act. Adoption is the bestowal of a changed status or standing, not the regenerating of new life within. It is concerned with a new relationship. And we can now recognize and cultivate that new relationship. 

Those who are adopted into God’s family are also given the Spirit of adoption whereby they not only recognize their newfound sonship but can exercise the privileges that go with it. Galatians 4:6 and Romans 8:15-16

There is a close relationship between adoption and regeneration. In a human family there are only two ways to become a member. By birth and by adoption. We become members of God’s family not by physical birth but by spiritual birth AND by adoption. We are born again and we are adopted. We get a double dose. Just for good measure.

“ I’m A Child of the King” by the Gaither Vocal Band

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