Saturday, February 6, 2021

Can All Men Call God ... Their Father?


Adoption is concerned with the fatherhood of God in relationship to men. Now let me make a somewhat controversial statement > God is the CREATOR of all men but He is not the FATHER of all men! The Fatherhood of God is unique and it is exclusive. The only people who are able to call God their Father are the ones who call Jesus their Savior and Lord. Only those who know Christ can call God their Father.

It is true, in some sense, that God may be said to be the Father of all men in the sense that He created them and providentially, He sustains them. He does give life and breath to all men. This can be seen in Acts 17:24-28 and Hebrews 12:9 and James 1:18. But when all the passages are examined carefully we must conclude that the term “Father” is reserved for that particular relationship that is so constituted by redemption and adoption. 

Read Romans 8:15. And in Matthew 6:9 Jesus taught us to pray using the term, "Our Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name.” Those verses do not speak of the universal fatherhood of God but of a specific and personal and intimate relationship that the Lord creates in those who believe in Jesus’ name. To substitute the message of the universal fatherhood of God for that which is constituted by redemption and adoption is to annul the Gospel. 

It deprives the Gospel of its meaning and encourages men in their delusion that our creature hood is the guarantee of our adoption into God’s family. Nothing could be further from the truth! I John 3:1-2 and John 14:21, 23.

“I’d Rather Have Jesus/Great is Thy Faithfulness”

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