Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Yep! Sooner or later you knew that we had to discuss this uncomfortable subject. It is an attribute of God that cannot be ignored. It is an intricate part of the character of God. The Biblical God is a God of wrath! But what does it mean to say that?

The wrath of God is an expression of His holiness.

God cannot be neutral toward sin.

The wrath of God is not something that is merely coming in the future. Romans 1:18 says that it is already present. But for now, His mercy is holding back the fullness of that wrath.

The wrath of God can be catastrophic. Look at the Flood in Genesis 6 and 7. Look at the fire and brimstone rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah. Look at the plagues upon the Egyptians.

God’s wrath is always consequential. All sinful actions will encounter the wrath of God.

When the sinner repeatedly rejects the numerous overtures of God’s grace and mercy, they will be turned over to the pursuit of their own sins.  Romans 1:24-26

Revelation 19 speaks of eschatological wrath, that is, of end time wrath, when the wrath of God’s judgment is poured out in its fury upon a sinful and Christ rejecting world!

His eternal wrath will be on display forever in Hell.  Revelation 20:14

Redemptive wrath means that Jesus Christ endured the wrath of God on our behalf in His death upon the cross. He endured Hell’s wrath for us that we may escape it. Every soul will either be damned in Hell or have their sins pardoned in Christ!

Revelation Song


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