Wednesday, February 24, 2021



The Resurrection of Christ can hardly be overstated as to its importance to the Chrsitain faith. It is the bedrock upon which all other doctrines are founded! Paul said in I Corinthians 15:14-19 that if Christ is not raised then our preaching and our faith is futile and we are still in our sins. But the testimony of the Bible and history and eyewitnesses is that Jesus is alive and that He did rise from the dead!

The Resurrection proved that Jesus was who He said He was.

It validated His claims as a teacher sent from God.

It corroborated His claims to be the very Son of the living God!

He did what He said He would do.

The Resurrection was proof that Jesus was indeed God in the flesh!

The Resurrection was the Triune God’s “amen” to the person and work of Christ.

God the Father says Amen.

God the Son says Amen.

God the Holy Spirit says Amen.

Had the Romans and Jews and all the Christ-haters wanted to stop the spread of Christianity, all they would have had to do was to take the dead body of Jesus and throw Him in the street and say “there is your Messiah.” Dead man, not walking. But why couldn't they do that? Because the dead body of Jesus was gone. Jesus was raised from the dead to live forevermore!

So said the angels, the disciples, Apostle Paul and hundreds of others.

So says the history of the Church.

So says thousands of martyrs.

So says the Bible.

And so says me. This Jesus has changed my life and lives in my heart!

“I’ve Just Seen Jesus”

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