Wednesday, February 17, 2021



In Matthew 27:46, we find these words, “Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani” which mean and are translated, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Only one person has ever understood those words and that is Christ Himself! Jesus experienced many emotions that day but these are the most profound.

I readily admit that I cannot fully grasp the full and comprehensive meaning of those words but I do know that those are the words of someone who felt abandoned and the withdrawal of the presence of God’s favor, presence and blessing. Prior to His death, everything that Jesus did He was totally dependent upon His Father. Everything He said. Every prayer He prayed. Every miracle He performed. He had full and total faith in the doing of His Father's will. Jesus had always called God “Father” until this moment. 

This was different. Really different. It was a new experience for Christ Himself. It was a cry of Psalm 22:1 --- similar to the shrieks of those who are cast off forever. Those were cries and tears that Jesus had not known before. He had only known the delight and approval of the Father before --- but now on that Cross, He experienced our condemnation, our guilt, judgment, our hell. He was our sacrifice and our substitute!

And why? Because of the love and grace and mercy of God. So God could be just and the Justifier of the ungodly! BTW, the withdrawal of His presence did not mean that the Father stopped loving the Son. But rather, the Father took great delight in the obedience of His Son in order to obtain our salvation, The fulfillment of a covenant promise!

“Jesus Paid It All”

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