Sunday, February 7, 2021

Love and Adoption


I love Romans 8:32 because it asks a very important question and implies a powerful answer. “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall he not with Him also freely give us all things?” Do you see that? The Father WILL PROVIDE us with everything we will ever need. What a Father! It serves as the supreme backdrop for Philippians 4:19 which declares that ”my God shall supply ALL YOUR NEED according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

The Father has many adopted sons/daughters and He will bring them all to glory but until they get to glory, they can find rest and peace and strength in their Father’s care. How do we know that? Look at that verse again. “He spared not His own Son” = When the Father inflicted His Son with the full judgment and condemnation of our sins on His own Son --- that was a supreme expression of God’s love and care for us.

If the Father had spared His Son, if some of the judgment had been left for the people to bear themselves, then that remnant would be consigned to an eternal Hell forever because you and I have nothing for which we can atone for our sins. We are spiritually empty and dead. The Father loved His adopted sons/daughters so much that He executed the full measure of condemnation upon His own Son. This is the Father’s love.

And we should always stagger in amazement and wonder at the depth and character of God’s amazing love for us! Join me in thanking the Lord today that he has adopted us into His family!

“He Knows Your Name”

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