Sunday, February 21, 2021



As you study the person and work of the ministry of Jesus Christ as found in Holy Scripture you discover very quickly that His ministry was filled with miracles. The kind of stuff that only supernatural power can do. Jesus was a great teacher but He also was a tremendous miracle worker. He performed lots of miracles in His life. Why? How?

Why can we not do that today like He did?

Why can’t I do those same kinds of miracles?

Ever traveled far down that road?

The miracles that Jesus performed were done in order to authenticate His ministry.

Done to corroborate His words and teaching.

They validated that He was ... who He said He was.

They substantiated all His claims that He was God’s very own Son.

They proved that He was the Son of the living God.

Jesus fed the hungry. Matthew 14:22-31

Jesus gave sight to the blind. John 9

Jesus healed the diseased. Mark 8:1-4

Jesus cast out demons. Mark 9:14-29

Jesus raised the dead! John 11

All these miracles were mere child’s play for the One who created the universe out of nothing and who sustains the world by His omnipotent hand. His greatest miracle is still the miracle of the new birth, of raising someone who is spiritually dead and infusing them with spiritual life to become a new creation in Christ!

“Worthy Is The Lamb”

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