Thursday, February 4, 2021

Causes of Adoption


Revelation 21:7 says “I will be His God and he shall be my son.” 

The cause of adoption is found in God Himself. None can adopt into the family of God but God Himself. None can make children of Satan to be sons and daughters of God but God Himself! None but God can do this. What are the causes of adoption? Let me give you three easy ones:

GOD THE FATHER: I John 3:2 says “behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” The God and Father of Jesus Christ chose and blessed us in our adoption. It was His decree and will and purpose. He planned it and prepared for it. It was His idea!  Look in II Corinthians 6:18 again.

GOD THE SON: There is a union between Jesus Christ and all other believers. From this union with Christ flow all the other blessings to the rest of the family. John 17:21. His God is our God. His Father is our Father. He is a Son and we are sons. He is an heir; we are joint-heirs. He is the husband; we are the bride. Hebrews 2:11; John 1:12

GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT: The author Spirit of God plays a big role in our adoption. It is the Holy Spirit who regenerates. John 3:1-7. It is the Spirit who witnesses to the truth of adoption. See Romans 8:15-16. We are taught by the Holy Spirit. We are led by the Holy Spirit. See Galatians 4:6 and Romans 8:14

There is nothing in sinful man to commend himself to God. There is nothing in the creature to move God. No agreeable disposition in them. No amiableness in their person. Nothing engaging in their conduct and behavior. God alone is forever the cause of adoption. Thank Him today that He has adopted you!

“There is a Redeemer”

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