Thursday, July 9, 2020


Laws are reflective of a nation’s priorities, morals, values and agenda. Lifestyle choices are reflective of what a person considers to be important in their life. Behind every system of law, whether a nation or a person, there is a god. Therefore, if the source of law is merely an individual, then the individual is the god of their own system. If you think it is ok to steal then you will steal. But if you think stealing is wrong and there is a higher authority than your own, it will cause you to stop and consider the merits of risk versus reward.


Same way with drinking and driving.

Same thing with the using of illegal drugs.

Same thing with sex.

Same thing with honesty and right living.


If the source of law is the court, then the court is our god. If there is no higher law than the law of man, then man is his own god. When you choose your authority, you choose your god, and when you look for your law, there is your god. You must learn to look behind the law for there is your god!


For the Christian and the Christian alone, there is no higher authority than the Law of God. Than the absolute truth of Scripture. Christians seek to obey God’s laws because of the authority behind those laws. And that authority is the Lord Himself.


Paul said in Romans 13:8-10 that we are to “love our neighbor as our self and that love is the fulfilling of the law.” That love comes only from the Lord. He is the origin and source of that kind of love. Maybe our country needs to look to the laws of the Lord for a while!

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